[h2]Alexander[/h2] Eavesdropping was hardly a new thing for Alexander. The make of the doors was different, but the idea was the same; sound carried, and while walls and doors could muffle it, usually it couldn't be blocked out. You just had to get real close to said wall and keep your ears sharp. Katalina got to the wall first, so she got the better audio, but he still caught most of the conversation. Kade was worried. About what, Alexander had no way of saying, and he didn't catch whatever the end of the conversation was. Before he could check with Katalina, however, the storm outside broke at last with a deafening crash. Alexander nearly jumped out of his skin, and amid the noise he heard Astrid yell something about being present before racing past them toward the front door. Seizing on the convenient distraction that stood opposite getting scolded by Kade and Eleanor, Alexander stood and bolted toward the door after her. "Astrid!" he called as he reached the door, "Come back inside, lightning's dangerous here!"