Joseph was beginning to get kind of bored at this point, as nobody seemed to be interested in trying to get him out, meaning he couldn't start his rant. He [i]did[/i] find himself as the target of a few interesting reactions though, so it wasn't all bad. Highlights included the part where one of the women present looked at him like he was some kind of lovecraftian abomination, which to be fair, there was always the slight possibility that he actually [i]was[/i] without realising it... Then there was the part where... apparently Jason Momoa walked up to him, asking why nobody had offered him milk and spouting some crap about how black cats where unlucky. He [i]did[/i] consider using that to jump into the rant, but the guy was holding milk cupped in his hands right in front of his face, and he was worried that doing anything to startle the guy might result in him jumping, which in turn could easily leave him completely drenched in the stuff. Instead, he decided to just give the guy an 'are you serious?' look, because it looked like the guy really expected him to drink the milk directly out of his hands! At least put it in a bowl or something! Before he could think too much on it however, his attention was caught by Rina officially starting the meeting, and he decided to just sit get comfortable and listen. It didn't take long for him to realise what she was doing, having been through a fair few of her simulations back in the good old days. For a moment, he considered ignoring the prompts and remaining outside the illusion, giving him a chance to speak with Rina one on one. However, he decided before too long to just go along with it. After all, he could always speak to her afterwards, and a few of these people didn't seem like the kind to take an adventure like this too well. In all honestly, it actually felt more relaxing than anything else, as he felt the chair drop out from beneath him, dropping him on the cave floor. Of course, he landed easily on his feet, because cat, and then spent a few moments watching and chuckling as the others lost their shit. Of particular interest was the guy who'd tried to make him drink the milk out of his hands, who immediately began to swear and ask for ore. Well, what the hell... If there was ever a time for a badass reveal, it was probably here. "Hey Aquaman, you mind calming down a little?" He said, not [i]quite[/i] able to keep the snark from his voice as he wandered over to stand in the direction of the growling. "What're you even panicking about, it's probably just some stupid monster... Or a random asshole. Either way, nothing we can't handle, assuming anyone here has actual [i]decent[/i] powers..." As he looked over the group once more, his eyes widened slightly, noticing something he'd missed before. "Wait, Thali?" He asked, before trying to grin. Of course, it isn't all that easy to grin with a cats face, so it really came off looking more like a smirk than anything. "Jeez, I didn't see you before, I just assumed you died too! Nice to see you still up and kicking, even if you probably [i]aren't[/i] gonna be contributing much to this fight. Like, at all..."