"Hey Aquaman, you mind calming down a little?" The cat fuckin' talks. Of course it talks. And here he was offering up praise and milk to a skinwalker. "Fuckin' Egypt, man." Heph pulled himself from his task and turned toward the kitty bastard making jokes at a time like this. He was jealous. He maintained an apathetic air most days but dammit if Dad's great power great responsibility bullshit didn't creep in every time. He recalled the last time it nearly got him killed, melting a fuckin' pistol at a 7-11. Now here he was panhandling for shivs like a prison prospector while some feline fuck questions his fashion. "Yo how 'bout you shapeshift into somethin' besides an asshole and go kick that thing's ass?" "...Yeah. I wish I didn't know what you were thinking..." A skinwalker and a mind reader. Great. Heph's jealously turned into impotence at his own power's limited function. Hopefully it'd be enough to keep him alive in this weird dream hell. "At least we have common ground, I also wish you couldn't tell what I was thinking. How does it work, can you like echolocate and see if whatever our dinner guest is is sentient? How many there are at least? I only found enough for two ice picks." The ore yielded as the warmth of Heph's hands on the rock reduced the metal within to putty. "They're crude so if you only get one good shot break them off in its hide." Heph repeated his 7-11 fuckery as he slid the many bangles he wore down his forearms into makeshift bracers and solidified his necklaces into a single cohesive chest piece. "I'll get it's attention and we'll need a flanker. The rest of you can throw whatever rocks are lying around. If there's anyone in here with offensive powers you might try dropping the stalactites on the damn thing." Heph caught himself, his tone turning from authoritative to sheepish. Who was he to boss these people around, they probably had fire breath or super speed or anything. Besides, he hated being in charge it was just a gut reaction to being threatened by fucking cave beasts. "Or don't, I'm not a cop."