[@Stern Algorithm] Dirka is emotional madness. Her personality flips back and forth for it has very little basic form, like her domain. She builds and is smart, but she is irrational in some situations, and her hating gammaton is that irrationality. She also takes influence of the personality of others around her in order to be in tune with what's around her. Her personality is supposed to be inconsistent. As for her accepting gammaton's idea, the reason why is because she believes wholeheartedly that bringing such order will cause chaos. She likes things as they are between the gods. Yes, skirmishes and harsh words, but she thrives in it. And she thinks that contracts limiting the rights of others is worse than sin. The contract if signed by Gammaton, only does two things to him: Makes him believe it's his fault and if she does anything based on what the contract has her do, he wouldn't be able to counteract. She wrote those in order to convince him not to sign it. Plus it was purposely written badly because Dirka doesn't naturally write in the common language. All the times she says a weird word is that language coming out. Basically she, like her domain, is foreign and otherworldly.