The open sea! The fresh air! The beautiful blue skies! The [b]huge... Crowd of people.[/b] ... He wasn't used to this at all. Desmond stared out at the open sea. While he was uncomfortable being out of his safe zone, he did have to admit there were Pokemon around here he wouldn't normally see at the lab. He knew what a Wingull was, as they were common in Orre, but seeing them fly free over the open sea what something else. That's the same kind of freedom he had been locking himself away from, wasn't it? He could go anywhere: He could do anything. But he had chosen to sit inside and read. He had boarded a few days ago, and honestly was enjoying the change, despite his discomforts. He had applied sunscreen, but his pale complexion wasn't good for the sun and left him a little red and burnt. It wasn't severe, but it [b]was[/b] annoying. Dealing with the itchy sunburn was potentially the first trial of this journey: Aside from being almost too nervous to board the boat in the first place. Thankfully he managed to enter along with the small horde of rookie trainers wanting to make their big entrance. Pokemon Trainers. Desmond didn't think poorly of them, but wasn't sure how much heart he had to put into battling. Was that going to be an issue in his journey? This was all more for research purposes rather than for glory: Gyms weren't his thing... Neither was the huge facility back in Orre known as Mt. Battle. Or the Colosseum's back home, either. His father had said it might be dangerous in the wild, though... He'd probably have to figure out a way to avoid too much conflict. Before he could get more lost in thought, it seemed that something big had started to gather the attention of everyone around the boat. It was that man; Professor Fern. A lot different than Desmond's father, for sure. His dad did field work, but mostly stayed in the lab until he was needed. This man was sailing across the regions, picking up trainers, and bringing them all together. Certainly broader and more expansive than anything Desmond had witnessed before. [color=ed1c24]" That Fern sure is something, isn't he? "[/color] [i]" Eh? "[/i] Desmond blinked, turning his head to notice someone was standing beside him; A young woman, shoulder-length red hair and around his height. He shifted somewhat to make a slight amount of extra distance as he hadn't expected such sudden social interaction. [i]" Y-Yeah, it's amazing he did all of this for the trainers around the world. "[/i] [color=ed1c24]" I know, right?! "[/color] The girl replied, nodding with enthusiasm. [color=ed1c24]" He's thoughtful, just like your dad! "[/color] There was a small, awkward pause as Desmond stared at the girl's huge, happy smile. Once what she said hit him, he recoiled out of surprise. [i]" Wait, y-you know my father?! "[/i] Desmond questioned, the surprise in his voice as her comment seemingly came out of nowhere. His head tilted slightly as she giggled in response to his words. [color=ed1c24]" I should! I've been out in the field for him for years! "[/color] She spoke while holding back from laughing, holding out a hand to Desmond instead. [color=ed1c24]" Ramona; Ace trainer, top field researcher, and occasionally daydreamer! "[/color] Desmond was hesitant, but shakily held out his hand to shake with her. So this was the person he was intended to meet up with? She wasn't what he was expecting, but if his father trusted her, then she must've been talented. Their shake lasted a little longer than Desmond was comfortable with, and that was mostly because she was actually gripping his hand with more strength then she looked like she had. Without warning, a Pokeball expanded between their hands, calling him to yelp in surprise. Ramona laughed, pulling her hand back and observing the Pokeball. [color=ed1c24]" Haha, sorry! It was just a joke. "[/color] She said, before holding the ball out to him. [color=ed1c24]" This is a gift from me to you! I told your dad I wanted to gift you with your first Pokemon, I caught her just before boarding so she should be experienced enough for you! "[/color] [i]" W-Wait, really? "[/i] Desmond questioned, heart pounding somewhat from the prior event. Oh, god, he wasn't sure if he was ready for this. A partner Pokemon... He knew it was going to happen, but he thought it'd at least happen after they reached the mainland. Oh well, he'd just have to do it now... Despite his concerns. [color=ed1c24]" Yeah! Don't just stand there; take it and say hi, huh? "[/color] She insisted, shaking her hand a little to entice. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Desmond reached out and grabbed the Pokeball. He stared at it for a moment, hesitant to look inside. But after a short amount of contemplation, he turned and released the Pokemon within the ball: A bright flash of white signaled it's appearance as it took form, somewhat short and certainly fluffy. He wasn't sure if he'd ever seen it before; It was blue with lots of yellow wool. [b]" Reep! "[/b] The Pokemon cried, staring up at Desmond and Ramona. Recalling being recently caught, it glared up at Ramona with a look of irritation, seeming almost ready to zap her for knocking her out before. [color=ed1c24]" Don't look at me, he's your trainer now! "[/color] Ramona said, pointing her towards the boy beside her. Desmond knelt down, smiling at the small Pokemon. He wasn't terribly nervous now that he saw the little thing; It was actually really cute! He could get used to this. [i]" You're a cute one, aren't you? "[/i] He complimented, reaching out to pet the Pokemon... But in response she trotted straight past his hand to him and planted her wool against his leg. [b]" Reep! Maaaarr! "[/b] [color=ed1c24]" Hah! I think she likes you! "[/color] Ramona commented, mere moments before the Pokemon discharged it's electricity and zapped him, causing him to fall over onto his ass. Ramona held back her laughter, simply adding a [color=ed1c24]" Maybe not. "[/color] [i]" Aaaahh... "[/i] Desmond was still recovering from the shock, taking a moment to actually get out of his daze. He watched the Pokemon stand there proud of itself, turning away from him and Ramona, it's nose in the air. [i]" S-She's got a shocking personality. "[/i] He commented, still not completely back in reality as he pulled himself to his feet. [color=ed1c24]" Yup! She's a Mareep; An electric type Pokemon! ... Though you already figured that out. "[/color] She brushed this fact off, shrugging. [color=ed1c24]" I'm sure you two just need some time to get along! I've got questions for the people here, so I've got to get going. You two play nice! "[/color] [i]" Wait-- "[/i] Desmond attempted to stop her, but she was already gone; Skipping away happily. Didn't she care what he was being left with? Or did she really think this would be okay? She was kind of reckless in his opinion, but if his father trusted her to do this, then he had no choice but to go along with it. He looked down at the Mareep, and it looked up at him. This awkward staredown began to last for several minutes...