The following day came and Penelope spent most of it sleeping after her late guard shift. It was nearly midday before the knight woke up and began to catch up on the day's work. She took it fairly easy, since her arms were rather sore from practicing with Tomas for so long the previous day, and went on a quiet patrol with Nina, who wanted to check the border for any activity from Younis. The two knights kept close to the forest's edge as they neared the border. "Do you really think they'd attack us now?" Penelope asked crossing her arms as she looked over at Nina. Nina was much different that her sister, Mia. She was quiet and very observant, something that Penelope had noticed after spending a bit more time with her. "Hard to say. But after their supplies got stolen, it's not difficult to guess that they're expecting to receive more soon." Nina narrowed her gaze as she scanned the distance for movement. "After two defeats, I wouldn't be surprised if they try something sneaky to attack us." "I guess so." Penelope shrugged. "But I doubt it'd be anytime soon. They need a lot of time to heal just like we do after all." "Maybe. But desperation to win can also push that aside." Nina muttered. She took a step back and eyed the sky. The sun was close to beginning to set, which meant they'd have to leave soon if they wanted to get back to camp before nightfall. "Anyways, all seems quiet for now so let's head back to camp." Penelope nodded her head in agreement and followed Nina as the older knight lead the way back to their camp. Glancing back over her shoulder, she wondered if the Younisians would be so quick to strike like Nina seemed to believe. Even if they did receive more supplies to replace the ones they had lost, the knights still had to heal from their wounds. The barons were already planning to attack again in about two weeks now, to have something sooner seemed would be really pushing the limits of both sides in her opinion. The walk back to camp was uneventful. Both knights remained relatively quiet as they walked, leaving Penelope to her thoughts. They parted ways upon returning to camp. Nina walked off to find Bennet while Penelope moved to go join the other knights for dinner. It was nearly sunset now and most of the camp was either eating or socializing with each other. Grabbing a plate of her food she moved to sit down besides Olivia. "Hey." Olivia greeted her. "Just got back?" "Yeah." Penelope said with a nod before taking a bit of her food. "Guessing nothing happened then huh?" She flickered her gaze around the camp falling into a brief moment of silence before looking back over to Penelope with a questioning gaze. "So what's up with this whole Jane meeting some herbalist thing? You still haven't told me anything about what's going on with that?" "Well, what do you want to know?" Penelope chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. "I just thought Jane could help her cure the disease." "Yeah but how'd you even meet the herbalist? Last time I checked the time you spent in Myrefall was usually for something private." Olivia smirked. "She's... a friend of a friend." Penelope responded carefully, shifting her gaze around the camp as she spoke. "She wasn't exactly looking for help but I just thought she'd have a bit more success if she worked with Jane." "Oh." Olivia mused with an understanding nod. She let out a sigh. "I was hoping there was a bit more to the story." Penelope laughed softly and shook her head. "Not this time Olivia." There was but Penelope didn't feel right sharing that with her friend. Crow had been reluctant to even tell her and his companions so it would be wrong to go telling Olivia, even though Penelope would have trusted her with the information. The two soon switched the subject and chatted quietly as they enjoyed their meals. After they finished, they parted ways as Olivia headed off on a guard shift while Penelope headed to bed.