[@Rune_Alchemist] [@Dealdric] Right, but from the beginning, the GM shot down my ambiton to being god of order. The GA is not the formation of a new government, just a 'please sit down while I tell you something', followed by a 'and if you think that thing I just told you is important let's all agree to some basic ground rules so the most important things to us can be protected'. It is a lot more democratic and hands off than I think a lot of people are assuming. Gammaton has no delusions of actually ruling over his siblings with an iron fist. Skirmishes and harsh words would continue but the most sacred things to each of the gods would be protected. It would just be a safer status quo. But by categorically ignoring every plea, Dirka has no way to find this out. And I understand that she's mad, but it really doesn't make sense that nothing he's offered is even the least bit tempting. Unknown knowledge concerning threats to the gods? Absolute honesty for the duration of a conversation? The second one at least should move even the most stubborn heart, and even someone who was heartless would jump at it for the opportunity to exploit someone. I just feel that Dirka's opposition has gone beyond the excuses of madness or differences in principle, to the point that I thought, incorrectly, that I was being snubbed personally as a player. I've seen her grab at advantageous opportunities before, so she's clearly rational in the things she wants. She even makes deals with others. And when she teaches magic, she teaches that magic has rules. She knows that without rules, her followers would be blowing themselves up with their spells. She sees that rules have a place. Anyways, I'll lay off, but I just want to point out that the most basic games have you solving every obstacle with violence. Better games, whether they be RPGs, open world, or even conquest games, give more options for solving obstacles through non-violent means. I don't want to play a game where a nonviolent solution is irrationally impossible. You can make it extremely difficult, but I want to know that the probability of success exists. I've little interest in scrambling for divine cords or building armies, since that is not the build that I am going for. Will you at least say that it is possible later in the RP if things work out after the GA, thst another god might be able to convince Dirka? For example, the GA offers protection to Sveiand's lovers. This should interest Dirka who has a lover of her own, and may seek to protect him from the likes of Hyperion. One last point. The contract. Does the contract, if signed, actually force Gammaton to believe that he's at fault? Or is he merely a knowledging that he has done 'something' wrong? I don't think thoughts of other gods can be forced, not even through magic. And one cannot admit guilt to an unknown crime. What is the crime? Existing? You also said, "if she does anything based on what the contract has her do". What actions would fall under this category? And finally, what happens if Gammaton doesn't sign the contract? Will you permit that as the god of Law, Gammaton has the ability to analyze the full legal ramifications of the contract and the ability to void and nullify the contract if he finds it faulty, thus rendering any consequence of signing or not signing moot? Other than Dirka's anger at him, he can't prevent that since that is true regardless. EDIT: Sorry if things got heated and if I used some unnecessarily harsh language. Also, thanks for taking the time to engage with me and explain.