[@Stern Algorithm] [quote=@Stern Algorithm] As for what [@Stabby] said, people keep jumping to the conclusion that Gammaton's laws are going to be rigid. Yes, he may be OCD and desire order in his heart, it's not what he's going to act upon. And are Anu and Dirka promoting war between gods or between mortals/humans? [/quote] But the thing is that unless they chat and get to know Gam', most [i]will[/i] assume that the laws he writes will be rigid, given that the first thing that comes to mind when they hear "Law" is a rigid system that doesn't always do good for all of the times it intends to do good. Like with what was mentioned in his conversation with Iva, it's hard to write a set of laws that can't be abused by someone who wants to minimise risks and maximize gains. Doesn't mean it isn't possible, just that it's uncommon and poorly represented within the idea of law itself. After all, the only point of reference most gods would have for understanding law would be humans themselves, and I'm pretty sure most human laws present are fairly rigid right now. Edit: I will apologize for having made assumptions, but given his domain it's kinda hard not to.