[center]Zone 5 - Haruto Kaito - bowed but not broken[/center] The change was unexpected, catching Kaito full in the throat lile an animal. Its fangs were so far in the young mans throat it was impossoble to breathe. By whatever gods he swore to, the very air around him had become thick as molasses as his lungs struggled to take it in. Even one breathe would have been a victory as the chaotic aura of, he now realized, the villain before him sought to end this fight with a show of power snuffing out Kaitos meager presence like a candle caught in a hurricane. And it was working! Escape pounded in his head to a relentless tune he could not place amd very nearly gave in to the instinct, but his whole body had betrayed them. Rooted to the ground. It had taken every ounce of control still under his command to even face the nameless threat idly standing before him. The hand he had extended before in friendship, in his naiveté, shook badly but refused to fall to his side. Kaito feared any such movement would only worsen the effect. [i]I need a- a way out, something! Anything! But how? What should I do! WHAT SHOULD I DO!![/i] The thought process was foreign to someone like Kaito. Not a tremendously brave person by nature, more like reckless. Blind to the usual danger. The shop was no stranger to danger or dangerous people and his Grandfather.. His grandpa.. [i]W-what would g-g-grand-p-pa do.[/i] the stutter was overtaking his mind, time was running out. Time was going to pass and Kaito would fail. His effort would be wasted. His hand, stirred on by the thought of his family and the store, reacted the same way it had always done when fear stole his heart. Without his guitar and amp it was impossible to use his quirk but there were other things he could play. Instruments he had only learned because his parents had forced him to learn, justo get Kaito out of the house. Instruments he had learned because his Grandfather had taught him to love them. His hand fell limp to his side as his left hand grasped flute still in its pouch at the front of his coat and heard his Grandpa repeat his lesson. "If y-you are s-s-scared. J-just... p-play." Kaitos voice was pathetically quiet. Lacking any force. His eyes met the old womans with a sad anger burning bright through his shaking hands, his grip on the flute only tightening. Taking comfort in his memories. Just because his quirk was supportive didn't mean he couldn't defend himself and his loved ones. The flute was assembled in his shaking hands as Kaito licked his lips, and fear took hold one more time. The music was gone.