[h2]Elenore[/h2] Startled by the crash (not the storm) and then the cries of Astrid. A weary look crossed her face, only seen by her nephew. "Best get her and bring her inside. Therapy as normal tomorrow I suppose. The group seems to need it." Kade nodded and stepped out of the room. Elenore inside the room placed her hand on a [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/waywardchildren/images/4/41/World_alignment_examples.png/revision/latest?cb=20170630213033]map[/url] on the wall. [h2]Kade[/h2] He only gave the barest flinch at Astrid's cry. He knew exactly what was going through her mind. He nodded and stepped out of the room finding Katalina there and hearing Alexander yelling after Astrid. "You okay Katalina?" He asked as he passed her, only giving her a brief moment to respond. Kade quickly made his way outside to where Astrid and Alexander were. "Astrid, it isn't safe. Come inside. This isn't your door. Stay dry." He told Alexander and stepped off the porch after Astrid. [h2]Hannah[/h2] Short of breath and standing at her window half hanging out of it, grinning as the wind and rain whipped into a fury. She yelled from her window. "There are no gods here!" Her body shook with laughter and someone yanked her inside.