[center] [img]http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/tumblr_n7b6jhOWSx1qgxaowo1_500.png[/img] KIERAN VENRIC 16 years old member of Captivating Captains Kieran is from a [i]very[/i] wealthy and prestigious family, rumored to have been descended from royalty, but Kieran personally think thats silly and cannot see himself as any type of king. His parents own a family business that happens to be a very influential corporation and Kieran was supposed to be the heir, but he has little interest in politics and business. His true passion is music, which is parents believe is "peasant work", so they highly disapprove of his interest in the fine arts. Growing up they used to trash any instruments he owned when they found them and would punish him if they ever caught him singing, but this only made Kieran want to pursue music even more. His parents finally got tired of his "rebellious, delinquent behavior" and disowned him. He was sent to live with one of their relatives in Japan, a place his parents picked because it was far away, but to their displeasure Kieran ended up back in America when he was accepted into AOA. But AOA is incredibly fun for Kieran and he joined an idol group after making friends. He has been sheltered and spoiled his entire life so he is very naive about how the world works. He thinks cleaning is the funnest thing in the world and always volunteers to help out a teacher if they need assistance with paperwork or running errands. He is absolutely fascinated by "commoner items" like ramen, public transportation, used cars, instant coffee, thrift shops, and many more. [/center]