Callie coughed as the smoke thickened. With her shirt over her own mouth and nose, she hurried away from the inferno with Merrill. When he mentioned that there was something off and something he didn't like, she asked him "[b]You mean...Something else is in this forest?[/b]" She didn't like the idea of having to deal with another monster other than the demon that was pursuing them earlier. Soon they reached a point where Merrill thought it would be safe to stop. She held her arms as she felt the rain pour down. She commented in regards to a surge, "[b]I don't think another surge is possible right now....[/b]" Now that she thought about it, she felt exhausted. Was it because of the large amount of surges and what happened this night that wore her out? When he told her that he would watch over her while she slept, she noticed his leg was bleeding and she asked him, "[b]What about you? You're still hurt...[/b]"