[center][img=http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/black%20hair/image_zps59cf2e1a.jpg] QUEBER ROSE but goes by ANGEL 18 years old Queber is the older, overprotective brother of Belzeneff. He traveled around the world with his parents like Belzeneff, but unlike his little brother, he didn't care much for animals. Infact, he got pretty fed up with the whole thing and constantly begged his parents to send him away so he could be around normal teenagers. Eventually, they gave in and sent him to go live with his grandparents. From then on, he attended school and lived like a normal person, but he couldn't help but miss his family and their crazy antics. Luckily enough for him, they stopped filming their documentaries and returned to America. Angel was already attending AOA by the time Belzeneff applied, but was happy because that meant he would see him alot more. He's very protective of Belzeneff and will beat the shit out of anyone who talks bad about him, or makes fun of his social awkwardness. This makes Belzeneff lecture him about using his words instead of violence for hours, but he doesn't care. Because of his stupid ass name (I mean c'mon, seriously), he goes by Angel. When he was little, his mom called him "her little angel!" so he started going by that name instead of Queber. Only Belzeneff calls him by his real name now, and he's the only one that Angel will allow. He goes to AOA because of his love for the drums and he has his own band. They aren't participating in the UwaPri contest, because the idol life isn't for him, but he sometimes helps Belzeneff manage his group.[/center]