Ratte saw the smoke and flames and her eyebrows flew up, “That was... fast.” She commented, before she realised that Kai wasn’t the one behind the distraction. She lost sight of her assailant in the smoke and decided to start running for cover. She backed away from Flying Edge and turned just in time to see a girl running for a nearby pond, barefoot and young. What was she doing in a tavern at this time of night? An instinct that she thought she had repressed bubbled up inside her stomach and she called out to the girl, “Hey, let the adults handle this! Get out of here!” Speaking it adults and kids, she looked to Kai and shouted to him, “Kai let’s go! I don’t want to be here when any more authorities get here!” The Captain gritted his teeth, watching the tavern burn, couldn’t he just get a night off? He wasn’t asking for much. He limped into the bar on Griffin’s command and started to order people out of the front. He had seen the people out the back of the tavern and didn’t want any civilians getting harmed out there. He dragged his foot along and choked on the smoke as he herded the last few drunkards from their seats and pushed them towards the door. The flames were getting close to the bottles of liquor around them and he didn’t want anyone there when they started exploding, “I think that’s the last of them!” He shouted to Griffin, heading for the door himself. [@Raptra] [@King Tai] [@KatherinWinter] [@xXSINXx]