[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2c/2a/46/2c2a4611d52cf7794ab236199fd60c9d.jpg[/img] [h3]Christoper "Chris" Thomas[/h3] 430|Phoenix ([url=https://d.wattpad.com/story_parts/542830131/images/15376a65f29f5a8947575372933.jpg]Fire[/url])|Past Manwhore "Fire is meant for passion, until it is put out. Then all we have is alcohol." Additionally: -Chris has five children. Kiara, Saul, Hoyt, Evangeline, and Bristol. And despite what they might think, he does care about them. He just, knew that he wouldn't a great father for them. He believes that the twins deserves better and has told them so while drunk. -Chris has a slight drinking problem, which has doubled since being forced to marry Denise. -He is where his children get their intelligence, he has many interests. Poetry, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and physics to name a few. He is also a damn good con-man.[/center]