[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0EjtAmP.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmJhYmFiYS5TWFpoSjB0eWFHOW8uMAAAAAAA/lovecrafts-diary.regular.png[/img] [color=silver]~~The Illuminator~~[/color][/center] [i]Location: Cy'Lathak[/i] [@Dealdric][@Stern Algorithm] [hr] [color=silver]"Of course, little Gammy."[/color] Iva replied with a respectful spin and a bow, snatching up the contract. [color=silver]"As long as it isn't in the next day or two...I shall be more than happy to attend! And don't take it personally. Very soon we shall not let anyone have access to the Library."[/color] He continued, grabbing a writing quill from the nearby table as he signed his name in the runes that he normally did. [color=silver]"...just don't interrupt the party in the next day or two, and we shall not have any problems, hee!"[/color] Pirouetting once more, Iva began walking as one of his long, thin arms pointed to the portal. [color=silver]"If you want, take one of the Aho'Nohg. They can take you back to the mainland very easily."[/color] leaving Gammaton to his own devices once more, Iva waltzed away with a slow, methodical step. Then something rather odd happened. He vanished. In a single instance, gone. [hr] The pain was beginning to become unbearable. Something else, then? Lazrhia was misunderstanding something here, then. A basic function of all magic? Had she misunderstood? Too many questions. Either way, her feet were starting to become unsteady. A pounding in her head, like something trying to get out of it. That...didn't feel like magic at all. "Urgh..." Lazhria groaned, holding a hand to her head. She just needed to focus more, was that it? Fine then. More energy. [i]More[/i]. The emblem on her hand began glowing more brightly, her mouth dry. When Dirka popped back into existence, Lazhria didn't register. This also meant she didn't hear the comment about her being married to a mortal, and her question of her well being also went ignored. "..." Lazhria fell to her knees, as though in a trance. If Dirka was concerned, it would be an appropriate reaction, but before she could do anything, her body backwards, convulsing violently. "Nglui mgahnnn..." Her voice was joined by an otherworldly, ethereal tone. "C'Stell'bsna ee s'uhn!" Swaying lightly, the humans body still stood, and any attempt to move it would be met with resistance. Whatever this was, it clearly wasn't of Dirka's or her followers doing. A fact that would be immediate clear by a crackle of energy, and a Gate opening overhead. [color=silver]"...hmm?"[/color] The form of Iva emerged from it, first his head. He seem mildly surprised, before his faceless visage settled on both Dirka and Lazhira. [color=silver]"...Oh how wonderful!"[/color] Before he could say another word, fell face first on top of Dirka. Lazhria kept saying words incomprehensible to the human mind, several more portals opening with Aho'Nohg slipping through them. [color=silver]"Joyous!"[/color] Iva laughed, not bothering to move from his position immediately as Lazhria's body fell backwards. [color=silver]"Ah, she'll be exhausted after that, heh! Joyous! Marvelous! A human opened a gate to a Divine realm!"[/color] He giggled madly. [color=silver]"With a little help from me of course, tee-hee, but still!"[/color]