Lin's efforts to move into the admin block were stifled by the rather bad design of the colony. Not even utility suits could move about well. With a sigh, she doubled back and found herself hidden up in the hold, overseeing the confrontation between Aster and the man called Crimson Hold. Seeing a tactical advantage to set up, she hunkered down and took aim with her machine gun. Opening her comms to Aster, she spoke succintly. "Einsamkeit here, I am above you. What is the situation? I am ready to fire at any moment. I will take the others if you can hold the leader down." In her cockpit, Lin let out a deep breath and closed her eyes, letting one less sense occupy her mind. The view from above was relatively clear, but the machine gun required far more precision than her beam funnels. She needed to focus. [i]Ok, enemies are positioned evenly beside the leader. He is currently connected to that transmitter. His attacks will be delayed. The others seem to be standard grunts. I'd prefer a surrender, but I can take them without much issue with their old suits.[/i]