It had barely been a contest. The outermost guard was struck down, and by all visible and audible accounts that was that. The deeper parts of the cavern looked ripe for ambush, but even the heavy blade wielding man of the wilds could not sense further threats in the immediate vicinity. One could go as far as to say that the locale could be considered eerily quiet. The ceiling extended fifteen feet up from the ground, the light of the sun shedding its gift from up on high to the mouth of the cave, the shadow slowly slipping deeper into the cave before it. But it wasn't likely that they could simply wait around for it to show them more. The wind moaned in the adventurer's ears, drowning most other sound if there was any to be heard. But it would also benefit them by obscuring the sounds of their arrival. The sun's light barely reached out sixty feet past the opening, the passage staying largely as wide as it was at the entry, the full thirty feet getting cut down where the cave began to curve towards the right, even those with nightvision able to only see to the point where the third pillar joined the two former ones, each of them looking as natural as they came. A short walk deeper inside would reveal the tunnel to curve off into a smaller nook with no visible way forward, whereas curving back towards the left came a sudden ten foot drop with a set of fifteen to ten foot wide stairs leading downwards. At the bottom was what could only be interpreted as a farm, for the cavern was carpeted with a profusion of fungi ranging from few inches to nearly as tall as a human adult. Two paths lead through the fungi, one on the left and one on the right. But this wasn't everything still. Before the decision for the next course of action to follow had been finalised, those with the ability to see in the dark would note wings flapping in the darkness. Small wings, but wings nonetheless. They had little time to react. If they wanted to get an edge on whatever was coming, they would need to hide themselves quickly. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] The earlier combat has been finished. No further opposition presented itself until deeper in the cave, above a fungus garden. Those without Darkvision should roll Perception to see if they are aware of the approaching enemy, while those with Darkvision get the knowledge by default. Those that are aware and wish to maintain Stealth should roll for it, and providing initiative would likely be a fine idea soon. Doing so now could speed the process up. [/hider] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Ryonara][@Gordian Nought][@Lucius Cypher][@Norschtalen]