Callum eyes opened lazily, His head felt like someone kicked him through a brick wall. "I'm okay everybody...everything's alrigh.......what" Callum's pupils widened. Something was different, no...a lot was, everything was different! He seemed to be in a giant desert...but the sand was white, not snow. It was still sand, just white. Not to mention the fact the sky seemed to be pitch black. In the distance he could see what looked like a giant tornado, but there was no sound. In fact there was no sound at all. just a Erie silence. Callum decided to just ignore all these weird things, maybe he was dreaming. He hadn't had a lucid dream in a while.Now that he thought about It, this place reminded him of something. Which made sense, if he was dreaming then everything would be from his mind...or something like that. "You know for a lucid dream this is pretty stupid, I mean really brain!? this is the best you could do!" Callum sighed and decided to walk around. He thought he could control the dream, or something like that. But that wasn't happening exactly, well...Maybe he would get the hang of it. "...Ah, now I know where this is from! Of course it's from roleplayer guild...I have been thinking about it a lot. I hope I can do a back flip in this dream, I've never done a back flip before, this seems like a good time to do this...okay, Let's go" Callum jumped and fell back. Of course he fell on back, he started to think he didn't even know in theory how to do one. "Ah well" Callum got up and started to walk in one direction. Maybe he would see something interesting, he hoped. But as he kept walking, he started to realize that the black sky wasn't endless, in kinda just....stopped "Well, This is a weird dream" Callum grimaced at the thought of it getting really weird. Like, weird enough that when he wakes up he wants to forget the dream right away. Already he wanted to wake up.