[@Rune_Alchemist] Mirt stroked his significant beard in contemplation. Without any previous knowledge of currency exchanged in number in this specific circumstance there was simply no way to know how much the fox woman would make if they played their part right. Which meant it was time for some simple but effective misinformation giving that should placate the greedy merchant. "I believe this particular establishment, based on its influence, could land you a months wages within a few hours if you bet right. I am a man of faith and so need very little coin but for food and drink, so you are welcome to collect your spoils as you see fit." Offering one of his trademark bows, easily bending so low his forehead nearly touched the pavement, Mirt kept his expression positive and enthusiastic while avoiding any look of guilt he might have had about the fib. Of course there was a good chance she could make that kind of money but it even sounded like a lie. Though that could just have been his morality getting in the way. Smiling at the light hearted jab at Anyon, the old monk merely waved the insult away as if that could clear the air. "Come now, she is still in the prime of youth and if you want to make your coin where we're going I suggest you cheer her on. You would likely know the area better than an outsider like me so if you please, I would have you accompany me to this 'golden quarter'."