Morgan certainly was [i]not[/i] prepared for the appearance of the ice, as it piled onto the bed right next to where he was. He rolled off the bed and back to his feet, shivering as he did so. [i]So it’s like that, is it? She was “one of those types. Never mind, they all thaw eventually.[/i] Raising an eyebrow at the sudden appearance of the supplies, he held his hand on his hips as he shook his head. [b]”Lets hope that we don’t get delayed then Officer,”[/b] he said with the smallest of smiles. When she spoke, she spoke with what Morgan liked to call “robotic precision”. She was professional, mechanical......devoid of passion or humour. Studying her features, taking in the whole of her, Morgan found himself noting that, while she was certainly extremely pretty, it was the sort of beauty that seemed to be sculpted or manufactured rather than being human. She was, in her manner and demeanour, almost like a robot. He was, for a moment, almost tempted to ask whether or not she was a synth, but finally decided better of it, pushing the thought back again. Walking the room, taking in its surroundings, Morgan went over to the closet, glancing over the supplies and clothing before nodding his head in an appreciative manner. [b]”So, Officer, since we’re going to be partnering and travelling for a while together why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself?”[/b] Morgan began, flashing her a small smile as he sat down again on the edge of the bed, ignoring the bags of ice as he gazed at her. [b]”Where are you from Beatrice? Friends, know the sorts of questions.”[/b] The corners of his lips turned up in the slightest of smiles as he added, [b]”Any significant others I should be wary of?”[/b]