[center] [hr][hr] [img]https://i.artfile.me/wallpaper/21-06-2017/650x372/fentezi-demony-cherep-roga-vzglyad-fon-d-1181247.jpg[/img] [color=darkred][h1][b]Anu'Varr[/b][/h1][/color] [color=darkred][i][b]She Who Is Scarred, The Curse Bringer, The Devil Maker[/b][/i][/color] [/center] [hr][hr] [center]Interacting with: [@Legion02][@Dealdric][/center] As sinners grew large and wide in the world of Tabrasa, so too did the unique connection they held with the Goddess of Devilry. She had cursed all of humanity to suffer from their depravity. In many ways, it should have strengthened their bonds, made them averse to such horrors, and allow them to obtain a higher quality of life. But humans, at their core, are fallible and weak of spirit. They fall to such temptations like beasts to a fresh corpse. As long as Anu lived, the curse would never be able to be stopped. It would grow ever on and be a blight in humanities existence for all time. It came as a pleasant surprise when the ability to enter the ones who were cursed came known to her. It had been in her reflecting period. For five long days she slept in the pools of blood within her throne room, and became enlightened to such powers. At first it had startled Anu, a human's mind was so different from her own and the feeling was completely alien. The first humans she had entered had only left a mess behind as their heads exploded from the mere pressure of a Divine conscious. It had taken her over fifty trials before she stopped killing them outright. Only then had she been able to take control of the human she wanted. Her abilities grew ever on as she practiced. Then there came a day when she grew bored sitting upon on her throne, and cast out her vision. It took her no time at all to find such a worthy candidate. A man whose mind was so far gone all he could think of was killing. It was easier to control the ones who were broken she had come to learn, then it was those who still held their will about them. It was also the first time she had seen such a large population of humans gathered in one place. Though the human's body was tied to a stake, she could look around to see several more cursed beside her on either side where she sat, each in various states of sin. In the distance she could see rows and rows of tents, and mountains as a backdrop. This place was intriguing, and the Goddess of Devilry hated it with burning passion. She jumped into a another man's head, wanting freedom of movement, but was unable to physically control the man. She was about to leave him, but felt this one held some sort of authority, and when she peered through his eyes, she saw the strangest sight. Before him was a woman. Scarred, dirty and with a crazed look of defiance in her eye. She could feel her sin, for it was far greater then most. Perplexed by this interaction, Anu listened to the conversation as it played out, finding it even more enlightening when the woman spoke of Ragnagedon and how she worshiped the God of Destruction. She knew her brother loved no one, least of all a human. How would this woman even know of Ragnagedon? What possessed her to grovel at his feet? Before Anu was able to enter her, the man heard screaming. What happened next occurred quickly. She learned the man's name, Ghoran and the new threat he faced. It was of little surprise to her when she saw humans killing one another. She could feel their sins, these masked ones. All of whom were ever so close to the breaking point, but somehow hung on with their intense passion. Could Ragnagedon have something to do with this? It made her angry to say the least, for such corrupted souls belonged to suffer in their sin and not serve a mad god. Ghoran was next fighting the woman from before, but the man was out played by the woman, who bled him and choked him to unconsciousness. He was going to die, and in that moment Anu was able to physically take over his body. Ghoran's body rose with unnatural elegance, his eyes burning with a deep crimson as he began to walk forward as the world around his body burned. Anu ignored any pleas for help, or the men who asked what Ghoran's command was. They simply looked into his face and their eyes grew wide with fear. Another human would have to lead them, if any at all could do such a thing. It wasn't long before Anu found the woman, and she watched as she and a man slaughtered their kin with impunity. As their situation grew dire, Anu stepped forward in Ghoran's body. If Esif or Fir looked closely enough, they would see his eyes and the wicked smile upon his face. Anu wasted no time, and with a clap from Ghoran, a very large portal ripped itself into reality behind him. The world fell silent as raiders and masked man alike turned to gaze upon it. Ghoran opened his mouth to speak, but instead of his own voice, the Goddess of Devilry spoke through him. [color=darkred]"Little humans, always killing one another. It's the only thing you're good at, after all. Such sin pleases me... but you are far too ineffective."[/color] she paused and looked directly at Esif before speaking again, [color=darkred]"Ragnagedon does not love you, child. But I do, and I want nothing more then to set you free from your flesh. For when you are all dead, only then shall you be truly free. Here now, a parting gift. Do enjoy."[/color] She finished speaking, and through the portal came lesser demons, beings the same height of the smallest man, with bright red flesh and spiked horns. They had long snouts, much like a wolves and their eyes burned with hatred. Only a few wielded bronze swords, and the rest had claws and razor sharp teeth. Then came two blood [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/369/611/large/jorge-benedito-dark-faun-00.jpg]priests[/url], a special type of demon with a penchant for blood magic. The demons had a suitable host, but were far outnumbered by the humans, yet this did not stop them from beginning to kill their foes indiscriminately. The portal then died, leaving Anu to watch the bloodshed. Her demons fought with ferocity, and the blood priests chanted in demonic verses, boiling the blood of any who came into contact with them, or worse. Yet the lesser demons still died, though it took grievous wounds to stop them. The blood priests would fall in time soon, for her forces were never truly going to win. Anu simply wanted to see how they fared, what surprises the humans might throw at them, and any weaknesses she could exploit. Before she could watch any further however, she felt an unwelcome guest enter Osarion. Frustrated at this new unexpected event, she left Ghoran's body to fall, a smile still splayed across his face, as she opened her eyes in Osarion. [hr] Her frown deepened to that of grimace at the sight of the [i]human[/i] that stood in her throne room. The room grew darker, the very weight of Osarion began to feel crushing with her anger. All teleportation magic and reality ripping portals were now locked in her own realm. Then in an instant she stood before the human, her spear held to his neck and her armor a source of crimson light in the darkness. Her voice was laced with venom as she spoke down to him, [color=darkred]"And pray tell, when did I ever ask Dirka for a present, little human? Does she truly believe I need help to improve my strength? How insulting to believe me so weak to need charity. I'm afraid her apology now falls upon deaf ears, for a human's words are meaningless in this place. If she truly wanted to placate me, she would not have sent a dog to do her dirty work."[/color] There was anger on her face. This creature before her had interrupted something very important. Yet she was not so angry to realize that this was most likely the same human that Elaria had faced. The same one she had said was [i]more[/i] then just human. An interesting development. [color=darkred]"Speak magic and you die."[/color] Anu stated, [color=darkred]"Now tell me, what are you?"[/color]