[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DmjRHYr.png?1[/img] [h3][color=548b54]Dulga Tarata[/color][/h3][/center] As Dulga was about to leave the dorms she saw someone fall down the stairs. She rushed over to help only to realize it was Yukari; she was fine. No. She wasn't fine; Yukari could have walked down the stairs just fine even though she was blind. It was because of her injuries that she stumbled. Both physical and mental ones. Dulga approached the elastic girl and simply picked her up, gave her the crutches, and left. There wasn't anything Dulga could say to console her; Yukari was a victim of Kensai's thoughtless brutality, just like Dulga was. She needed to find her own strength to stand even when it hurts. That's the only thing they could do. Without another thought Dulga went to the training halls to practice. For once Dulga wasn't here to shoot her guns, all which were locked away in her dorm. She felt rather exposed without her gun or cloak. She had been so reliant on both that she felt as defenseless as a newborn baby. But that's why she was here; to step outside of her comfort zone. It wasn't going to be easy but it also wasn't suppose to be. Relying on friends, fighting without guns, not having her cloak on, all these things were new and scary to Dulga. She had to laugh at herself though: these were things that literally every hero does. She wasn't sure why she was trying to hard to distance herself from being called a hero when she knows it's the only way she could defeat Kensai. [i][color=548b54]"Pride. Pride is why."[/color][/i] She thought to herself. Kensai was her problem. Sure a few students got hurt, but chances are they just wanted to move on with their lives. Continue their career and work to become stronger. Only Dulga was so hellbent on revenge that she was going out of her way to prepare solely to face him. What she'd do if she won or loss, Dulga doesn't know. She doesn't want to know. Dulga was surprised at how many people where here. Usually it was just herself and maybe three or four others. But there were at least six that Dulga knew. Jett, Mina, Acion, Mamoru, Tomoe, Kaida, and Hitomi. The last three Dulga has never seen here before, at least not when Dulga was training. A pleasant surprise. She also noticed Kaida was wearing a cloak too. [color=548b54]"Cute."[/color] A quick scan of the area made it fairly clear what was going on. Dulga spotted Mina walking away from Jett and heading to the changing rooms so they must have fought. Mina does often go change right after sparring. Tomoe seemed to be groveling to Acion so Dulga assumed Tomoe had done something to bother him, and as usual Acion doesn't think much of it. Kaida was watching Jett and Mina sparring so she's probably jealous. Mamoru just went into the training room so she was training. Cracking her neck and knuckles Dulga stepped forward. First she walked up behind Kaida quietly and silently. She didn't do anything Dulga was just being quiet to surprise Kaida as she gently pats the girl's head, stroking the spot between the ears. She smiled at Kaida even though as usual Dulga's mask would have covered up her face. Next was her target. Jett or Acion. Frankly Dulga had no problem thrashing either one of them, however she started walking towards the winged boy instead. They never really had a conclusive fight during their last group battle. Dulga was a bit nervous to fight a flier without her guns, but she had a trick or two she thinks might help make up for that difference. Plus whatever Tomoe was doing looked degrading and silly. Dulga's stoic presence ought to help ease the silliness down a notch. When she walked up to the group she nodded towards Tomoe and Hitomi silently. Then like a brick in the face Dulga was blunt and to the point as she faced Acion and crossed all of her arms across her chest. [color=548b54]"Nakamiji. Fight me."[/color] [@Ryonara][@Heartfillia][@Conscripts][@liferusher][@Silver Carrot]