[center][h2][color=darkviolet][i]Zero Hour - Miso City[/i][/color][/h2][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] It took the death of one girl in a moonlit alley to increase the rate of Nightmare attacks to the points even the daylight hours weren't safe. Three days later the very same murderer unleashed a hitherto unseen paired strain of Nightmares, and within minutes the once calm streets filled with ignorant masses trundling through snow and salt would find themselves slain without sight nor sound of their murderers. One second they were fine, and in the next their flesh was ripped by five sets of teeth set as though upon the petals of a flower, slick with gore and bright arterial spurts. Yet still no one sees. Ignorance persists as the first bodies drop, only to be met with the stupor of confusion as eyes take in the fallen and people stop in their tracks. Murmurs break out, soon followed by shrieks as those closest are borne to the ground under the weight of invisible predators who leave neither footprint nor wafting plume of breath in their wake. The stillness is shattered at last, the ignorant run in every direction, and the Nightmare's feast anew. These ravenous monsters were made to do what the common Nightmare couldn't and, spoiled for choice, they followed the crowds as they funneled themselves down the avenues. Perhaps it was a blessing by some twisted benefactor of Magical Girls, that at least with the mounting deaths these Nightmare's were yet still condensed and had yet to scatter far and wide. However fortunes would soon turn against Miso City, for the fleeing citizens where passing a rather well appointed cinema, the sort of mega theater to parallel the American AMC with a grand lobby and two dozen theaters spread across two wings therein. Christmas had passed, but seasonal films both new and re-released were quite profitable. One screening had ended, and the patrons casually ambled outside to be met with the curious sight of panic and disorder. Missing the corpses left in the snow, their lingering presence split the attention of the Nightmares. The newly formed horde split, half continuing the running slaughter through the street pulling down civilian after civilian, while the rest rushed for the darkness of the cinema. Hundreds packed into dark, sound proofed theaters and limited exits. A massacre to shake Miso City to its very core was swiftly coming to pass, if neither Light nor Dark could intervene in time. Zero hour. The beginning of a siblings conflict, and the darkness thrust upon the world by a Demon's disdain, staining the snow dark as pitch.