Thus quoth the queen, and thus did the youth of her country snarl at her. [b][color=0054a6]"Yet, it is widely known that an army under your banner can live weeks on nothing but air!"[/color][/b] It seemed like he would speak more, for his mouth lingered open like a taut bow drawn. The arrow he was going to fire, metaphorically, was stolen from him. [b][color=ed1c24]"It is that you fear battle, o' queen,"[/color][/b] said the fiery girl, [b][color=ed1c24]"for you have lost your edge." [/color][/b] A silence fell upon the chamber like a blanket. An itchy one, doubtlessly you know the type. The redheaded Airfolk's gaze was strong, brave, not unlike the Zenith's own. Her arms were crossed, tensed against her chest. Chin high, brow furrowed in that silent dare, spoken only between warriors. [b] [color=77dd91]"Should I..."[/color][/b] began Iko, her words nearly a whisper, [b][color=77dd91]"uh, you know, strike her down for impertinence?"[/color][/b]