[@HereComesTheSnow][@GreenGoat] [h3]MgRonald's, District 7[/h3] In every young adult's life, there would always be a time when they would have to debate whether or not it was a good idea to get arrested. On one hand, to face justice as was proper after violating the laws that held together society was the correct thing to do; the world of adulthood was one where it was necessary to take responsibility for one's actions, and thus to do a crime was to do the time. On the other hand, handcuffs chafed. And for the one referred to as 'Chief', the latter was a more important consideration. You couldn't eat a burger with cuffs on. Also he had sensitive wrists. "Well ain't this spectac-spec-spect-[i][sub]fuck it[/sub][/i] This just ain't our day," he muttered under his breath. The cops were on their tail, but they still hadn't eaten lunch. "Hey lass, how long's them MgChickens be takin'?" The cashier was unfazed despite the sirens. "[color=3f00ff]It'll be a minute,[/color]" she said, casually waving at the boy who'd just walked out of the restroom. "[color=3f00ff]Do you want to add anything?[/color]" "Nah, we're good thanks lass." "Sounds like the pigs gonna be here soon, chief. Still gonna wait for the burgers?" "Already paid, ya see?" The bazooka-wearing one of the duo produced his debit card once more. "Buyin' lunch means none if you ain't got Ronnie's." "Kinda cutting it close, chief." "And what about toilet boy there?" interjected Isami once again, though she wasn't looking up from her phone. "He looks like he wants to do something American." The duo looked as if they had just seen Karasawa. "Hey lad." "Wassup." "We'll be done in a bit." "Don't look at chief's bazooka." "It's a toy from a Ronnie's Cheery Lunch. In Rakkoshima." "[color=3f00ff]Your two MgChicken meals,[/color]" declared the cashier, handing over the paper bags. 'Chief' took them gratefully and handed them to his mulleted companion. "Thanks lass, hope you have a nice one." Then a: "Isami! Get the bike!" before the trio of suspicious young adults made a break for the door. [hr][@ERode] [h3]Orbit Portal Company Investor Booth - Dianoid, District 15[/h3] "Oh, that I can certainly answer!" Megumi Motome paused, as if to allow light reflecting off the Dianoid's carbon structure to reflect off her own shades. "After we were able to shenangle the collaboration with Iguchi-san for a promotional single," she began, "we thought it would be a good idea to involve her most famous role as well. To let Kanamin herself extol the [i]magic[/i] of space travel. She has many fans who we think would love our work too." She glanced around, before lowering her visors in a conspiratorial manner. "And this will be a scoop for your club," she whispered, leaning down towards the middle schooler, "because tomorrow there will be an announcement for another Kanamin show that deals exactly with those themes. The new season hints were not just for show." [hr][@Krayzikk][@Plank Sinatra] [h3]Magi☆Mint Chip Ice Cream - Dianoid, District 15[/h3] "I'm the Super Mobile Girl of Love and Justice, Magical Powered Kanamin! In the name of the Consolamentum, I will give you a brain-freeze!" Despite the costume being one that hailed from the super-deformed line of Kanamin paraphernalia, the Cathar-cosplaying comrade delivered the order in the same motion that the franchise's protagonist used when declaring her intent to combat her foes, and both the voice and intonations were almost perfect replications of Iguchi's acting. There was nothing in the distorted voice that revealed any recognition or approval of the two customers and their costumes, though one could consider the choice of opening catchphrase as being one. Because when 'life gave you lemons', the supposed thing to do was to 'make lemonade', yes? Finding a good way to 'wing it' was exactly what the Americans meant, right? With surprising dexterity for stubby costumed hands, a box was handed over to the young man to diligently and gracefully fill with the takeaway pint of Magi☆Mint Chip Ice Cream.