[hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Gold]Rhys Asher[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378688333867646976/422255485312565259/df0f62f8c2142e8ad9d0dec68836d9f6.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Gold]Location: Home[/color][/center] [hr] He had never wanted to strangle the woman more than he did on the way back. Weaving through buildings and taking sharp turns, he doubted he would distract her from her path. She'd find her way back like a stubborn bitch. Most likely he would need to buy another shop and loft combo, lest Esmeralda become a constant harpy. If the woman didn't join him, if she turned against him or worse! Turned the boy agianst him! Rhys rolled his shoulders as he stumped up the steep steps to his loft home. [color=Gold]"I'm not trying to determine your fate, Esmeralda. If I was, then I would know far before now that you bore me a child."[/color] The heat was out of his voice as he unlocked the spells and opened to door. Letting himself in first. [color=Gold]"No. Fayard is my son as well and more his is [i]my[/i] apprentice. I will do what is best for him."[/color] And to hell what she thought. Shutting the door firmly behind him as he gripped the witch's arm lest she bolt towards the boy, Rhys reapplied the locks and safeguards to his home. [color=Gold][b]"Bar this door. Charm Lock it all. Conceal my entry."[/b][/color] Giving the witch a warning look, he hissed in a dangerous voice. [color=Gold]"Let me speak to him first, Esmeralda. Better it comes from me."[/color] Letting go of her arm, he crossed to room to sit on the edged of the bed, his boy- [i]his son[/i]- had been bound to. Filling a cup of water he held it to the two toned eyed lad's lips. [color=Gold]"Drink, boy. I've some news for you that will a shock, but first... How are you feeling?"[/color] His words were quiet and gruff but he ran a cloth over the boy's forehead, sharp eyes peering at his face. No matter what he said, the Wizard [color=Gold]"I found out somethings about your life before the Young Army."[/color] His eyes shooting a warning look that Esmeralda might do well not to test him right now. Not with his son- Fayard- in such condition. [hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Lavender]Skaoi Silverveil[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://www.tribute.ca/news/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/galadriel1.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Lavender]Location: Infirmity[/color][/center] [hr] Skaoi flinched as Tristan swore loudly after she stopped him from falling to the oblivion of sleep. Something she feared he would not wake from. How often had she seen such? The final ease into a sleep during a dire healing where the patient would slip away. The glare that came from the Prince made the Physik take a step back as her own pale blue eyes dropped in fright. He was a Prince! A Royal! And she had pricked him like any fabric she was embroidering! Of course it was for his own good, but her hands shook slightly as she bundled them into her dress. [color=Lavender]"My apologies, I thought it best you remain awake."[/color] The woman stammered in fright. It was for his own good, she thought. Even with assassinations and everything, she was doing her job. Surely they could not blame her for that? But Prince Tristan's next words sent ice spearing into the pale woman's heart. The color she could ill afford to loose draining from her face. The Eastern Snow Plains had done this?! They were suspected at least. The cup in her hands- she had been getting another for the woman leader of the Young Army- crashed to the floor in splinters. Tea running in rivers across the floor as she looked up sharply. Her eyes wide with sheer terror, before she lowered them. Shuffling to a broom and began to clean the mess. Anything to hid the shaking of her hands. [color=Lavender]"Forgive my carelessness."[/color] Would they suspect her now? She was new here and worse she was [i]from the Eastern Snow Plains![/i] A noble woman who disguised herself as a peasent physik! What would they think? Would this assassin try to pin it on her?! After finishing cleaning the mess she had caused, the physik huddled over her notes. Trying to disappear in the background as she fought back the panic. Her hands shaking as she considered the next steps for the patients they had, though it was hard to focus on that task. [hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=CadetBlue]Grimspound[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/657d7391a50b11712cac5c306f4a350b/tumblr_ooksq5OF9a1tmko9vo1_540.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=CadetBlue]Location: Aricie[/color][/center] [hr] The laughter that echoed from the tall son of the Dyrki rolled across the waves as Grimspound tossed his head back in sheer amusement at Minerva's comment. His emerald green eyes danced as the scholar grinned at Ahote and Arnora with a friendly smirk. [color=CadetBlue]"Apparently all I am good for is reading books and being admired."[/color] The man scoffed giving Arnora a wink that bordered on flirtatious and Ahote a smile that could only be called an invitation to bed when paired with his far more sly wink. Offering a hand to each of his new acquaintances, Grimspound listened to their plans for when they would land. It appeared there was a house- home to the Port Witch Coven- that appeared to be abandoned due to a recent upheaval in the city. While he did care a great deal for books, it was not his only focus. Curiosity gnawed at the wanderer as he considered what might be found at such a place. [color=CadetBlue]"Grimspound, they call me."[/color] The man introduced himself firmly to both, before shooting the shorter Minerva a look of bemusement. [color=CadetBlue]"I do not doubt books will be my end, and hopefully when I'm old and with a beard that falls to my feet! Why! I hope to be buried in books! But I do have other talents as well, my dear. I shall join you so you might find me less than lacking."[/color] If she had a braid he would have been sorely tempted to tug it like he did with so many maids. Giving them a boyish grin to escape retaliation. Yet something tugged his interest away from teasing Minerva, green eyes snapped with wonder upon Arnora. [color=CadetBlue]"You are a Spirit Seer?"[/color] He had heard of such folk but to meet one was rare. A true find! Though it wouldn't do to chatter at her relentlessly over it, such a tactic was off putting and usually never yielded as much with the more martial of folk. A few questions slipped here and there slowly built up over time, something he had plenty of, would do just as fine if not better. [color=CadetBlue]"Would you do me the honor of allowing me to buy you a drink sometime, Arnora? I'd love to hear your take on it."[/color] Perhaps knowledge would be his undoing but Grimspound could think of worse ways to go. To die in defense of his people, in defense of his father would be just as well. Though the latter was hardly in need of such a thing. The man could take care of himself quite well, yet Grimspound had been raised to respect and heed his elders. His defense of them just became natural after protecting his mother's clan. And speaking of protection... Grimspound paused as he considered the waves with sharp eyes. Something seemed... off. A disturbance he couldn't place. He had lived a good few years on the road and in his mother's clan hunting the wilds before that. Tersa had taught her son to heed that gut feeling. The instinct that dwelt within him. As the man waited for Arnora's response as he absently sent out a spell to alert him of danger. Turning his attention back to the woman, he then turned his gaze over the waves as the spell bounced back with a alarming sense of danger. It wasn't immediate but it was there. [color=CadetBlue]"I hate to bring a low mood to the discussion but there seems to be some serious trouble afoot."[/color] His cocky smile and tone could make it as though he was remarking on the weather rather than a screaming alert that there was a problem. It wasn't immediate and while he liked to deal with problems quickly... He was in the middle of conversation with a Spirit Seer. A rare opportunity. [color=CadetBlue]"So about that drink?"[/color]