She listened on but she could hardly make out what the weird lizard man was saying. She just stood, smiling with a blank stare from the eyeless darkness in her sockets. "Ooopss, Soorry." She apologized for nearly taking the accented fellow's nose of as he put it. Her attention was grabbed back by the lizard man when a worker yelled back regarding her anchor. "Uuhh, Yeeaahh! It's liike a hoook but the ennds are cuurvved like thiiss." She slowly gestured with both her hands making a motion indicative of an upward facing crest shape. "Iit's got a lotta ruusst onn it laasst I checked. It's maade to haanng off a booaat, keeeps themm from flooaatinng aawaayy." She leaned forward and sideways somewhat to try and get a better look at the workers in the back to see if she could see her anchor somewhere back there. It'd suck if they lost it, the thing was older than she was and had remained a constant feature of all her adventures since the day she drowned. Being undead immunized her to a lot of things but homesickness wasn't one of them. Little things like her old anchor helped keep her, well, anchored.