[@KatherinWinter][@Raining] [color=slategray]"Understood, Griffin."[/color] The golem agent replied to the senior agent before switching her mode from her passive systems into investigation mode to help discover clues. [quote=System Notification] Passive Systems Switching to Investigation Mode... Scanning and Scrying Spells: [b]BOOSTED[/b] Multi-Dimensional Espectrometer: [b]BOOSTED[/b] Central Processing Module: [b]BOOSTED[/b] Energy Output: [b]98%[/b] Core Temperature: [b]NORMAL[/b] [/quote] As soon as the mode switched, Astra's visual, auditory, textile senses were enhanced significantly as well as her sensitivity to detect magics and the like. She took careful note of minute details that normal humans would easily look past, but not Astra. She took careful note of minor things in the environment. Things like recent scuff marks on the floor, a light layer of disturbed dust on the main counter, and a drop of recently dried liquid of unknown origin. Kneeling down to investigate further, she sees something completely out of place in the whole area. A whole finger nail hidden underneath a cabinet. Analyzing it closely, the nail in itself had no traces of blood whatsoever but was rather covered with the unknown liquid. [color=slategray]"I have found a possible clue, Griffin. [/color]