[Center][img]https://celebritypets.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Liam-Hemsworth.jpg[/img] [H2]Azariah "Az" Martin[/H2] 306|DEMON(FIRE)-DJINN HYBRID|DEALER|THE CRAFTY "It amazes me how many secrets have to be kept to keep people safe. Its sad how necessary it is." ADDITIONALLY;; -Azariah is the son of Aetulia, Djinn Tribe Elder, and Malachi Martin, a lesser known demon from a largely known family. He is the best kept secret by both, and he intends to keep it that way for his mother's safety, despite how much he hates being away from her. -He and his father currently live in with a coven of witches because his father has made multiple deals with their leaders. They stay because one of the deals, a personal one his father made that wasn't for a soul, keeps Azariah off the radar of the other Djinn Elders. -Azariah is still learning how to be a dealer, but his crafty nature makes it come easy to him. His father has told him its not hard to see how easily he alligns with his side of thr family as both of his aunts have the same crafty nature. Azariah aspires to meet them some day when its safe, as he knows his father would love to see them again. He also wants to see just how well he falls in with them.[/center]