Callie followed after him into the undergrowth and away from the road. She ignored the fact that the rain made her feel cold and her clothes were sticking to her thanks to the rain. She nodded a thanks as Merrill the foliage so she could move past them. When he asked about her using magic, she was silent before she answered, "[b]Other than the surges I've had to suppress and hide for so long? Yeah. That was the first time I actually used magic,[/b]" After advising her not to set up a campfire, she shrugged at his apology and answered "[b]It's fine. It's not like I can anyways,[/b]" As they walked on, Callie's legs were burning. She had clearly run more than she ever had in her life, and she was not used to it. His brushing off her comment about his leg injury only worried her, but she didn't say anything. She didn't have any bandages, and she was pretty sure that any magic she had left was not going to be able to heal him. She blinked in confusion at his mention that he was going to teach her how to hunt, and that he was going to leave her when he was done. She pointed "[b]Woah, wait a minute! You just suddenly burst into my life, talk about some weird stuff and that there's something I'm supposed to do, and you're just going to leave like that? Not to mention...[/b]" She then gestured to herself and she added "[b]I don't quite know what happened to me, but whatever [i]this[/i] is hasn't worn off like the other surges! I'm getting the feeling that I'm pretty useless like this,[/b]"