[color=00aeef][h1]Doctor Cranham (Sam)[/h1][/color] [hr] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/497601769497690113/504721481721184256/1475764343.jpg?width=372&height=301[/img][/center] [hr] [h3]Main Compound, Corridors, Study, Interactions:[@Aamaya][/h3] [hr] Well then, so much for that. Still. he'd gotten some interesting reactions out of Caelia, so at least that hadn't been a total waste of time. Her reaction was certainly fascinating to say the least, she almost reminded him of several of the people he'd gone to high school with. So little emotion, next to none at all really, they sometimes acted in odd or bizarre ways to entertain themselves, or mess with those who would bother them. The scientist knew when he wasn't wanted around, and Caelia had every right to shoo him away. He was one of the many who kept her contained, subdued, and restrained. This was her free time, who was he to get in the way of a basic human right in his opinion. After all, basically asking another to leave them in peace during break hours was a standard human emotion, should have also been added to the bill of rights. Shame really. A small chuckle escaping Sam's lips, he nodded to the girl with a slight grin. [color=00aeef]"Well then, thanks I suppose for scanning the area for me, I suppose I'll find it eventually."[/color] Reaching into his coat pocket, he withdrew a fair sized candy bar of a non-descript nature from it, keeping it out of sight of the guard, as he passed it over to the subject. [color=0076a3]"For your time, enjoy the rest of your day."[/color] Turning his back, he began his steady movements away from Caelia, giving a small wave over his shoulder. [color=0076a3]" Just in case you're wondering, that's out of my pay, hasn't been tampered with."[/color] Sam sighed internally, he had been planning on eating it himself, but the girl had gotten to him, hm, if he didn't know any better, he'd think she'd used mind manipulation on him and told him to give her the candy bar. Ah well, he was to nice for his own good sometimes anyways. His movements brought him past several other occupants of the room, another test subject and one of his colleagues, he considered asking them for a moment, but realized they seemed to be about to leave and decided better not to impede them. Broadcasting some catchy montage music he'd once heard in his head, Sam began searching around the entire lounge, delicately picking apart the entire area. Nearly half an hour would pass before he manages to find his bag, and it's location was stuffed behind one of the many desks, as part of a little prank by the security force. Sam was not amused. Several of the guards would later find a potent virus within their food, confining them to their beds with an illness for a few hours before several members of the virology team located an anti-virus that lifted them from the places they were confined to. It was a good day.