[color=gray][CENTER][h1][b]I N Q U E[/b][/h1][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6352/3366bf5c1550cabac2b5b127848298c888158cbb_00.jpg[/img] [color=black][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub]Nathan F. Castillo-Armstrong [color=black][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] 19/05/1998 [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] 20 [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] Mexican American [color=black][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] Single [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] ♀ [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] Homosexual [color=black][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] High School Education [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] Unemployed [color=black][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] Physical Profile[/sub] [color=black][sup]___________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=] [sub][b]//Basics:[/b] [COLOR=BLACK]• [b]Height[/b] | [i]6'-2"[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=BLACK]• [b]Weight[/b] | [i]150 lbs[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=BLACK]• [b]Build[/b] | [i]Mesomorph[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=BLACK]• [b]Hair Colour[/b] | [i]Black[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=BLACK]• [b]Eye Colour[/b] | [i]Hazel[/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider][CENTER][SUB]Miscellaneous Items[/sub] [color=black][sup]___________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=] [sub][b]//Notes:[/b] [COLOR=BLACK]• [b]Smoking[/b] | [i]Nathan smokes cigarettes to help him with his stress and anxiety.[/i][/COLOR] [b]//Paraphernalia:[/b] [COLOR=BLACK]• [b]Money[/b] | [i]Nathan currently has fifty-four dollars and sixty-eight cents.[/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][b] Appearance Details[/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=black][indent]Nathan stands at the height of six feet and two inches tall. With his height, his weight is below average compared to other men. Despite the fact that he's mixed, Nathan's complexion looks more white and might get mistaken as only being white. And due to the fact that he is homeless, he tends to wear used clothes from places like Goodwill or the Salvation Army. He always looks tried with bags under his eyes and the way that he walks lazily due to how difficult finding a comfortable place to sleep is in a city.[/indent][/color] [sub][b] Character Synopsis[/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [INDENT][color=black]The Castillo-Armstrong family were a respectful wealthy family and owners of Midwest Realty, a housing company in the Midwest. In addition, they were investors in several different companies, retailers, studios, and even products. However, the Castillo-Armstrong was working for a well known crime family in the background, providing them business opportunities beyond the city. Meanwhile, Abigail Castillo-Armstrong was shocked to learn that she was pregnant with Nathan. Abigail and Santino already had five other children to care, but neither of them wanted an abortion. Thus, Nathan Fox Castillo-Armstrong was born on the nineteenth of May. It was hard for Nathan because he was the youngest child. The one that nobody expected. Nathan wasn't given as much attention as the other children received. But he still was raised by his mom and dad. Then, he became ten years old. The 2008 financial crisis changed the entire world, including the Castillo-Armstrong family for the worst. As the result, Santino further increased their involvement with the crime family by hosting illegal gambling events. It puts pressure and stress on Abigail and Santino to maintain their wealth and businesses. As a result, they started to focus more on business than being a family. Besides the youngest two, most of their children were working and it seemed reasonable to fully focus on their businesses. Unfortunately, it meant that Nathan wasn't given the love that his siblings got and that made him angry. He resented his parents for not caring and loving him compared to the others while he was growing up. Both middle and high school were hell for him. Even with the family name, he never truly borrowed by everyone. He knew a few people from school but he never hung out with them beyond school. While his siblings were getting ready with their future, Nathan was still figuring his out. Despite him being an unplanned child, both Abigail and Santino expected Nathan to do something important with his life. They had expectations for their children, especially Nathan. Everything that he attempted to do wasn't good enough in their eyes. He saw the disappointment in their eyes during their long arguments. And as a result, it affected him in school and at work. He became depressed and started to question everything that he was doing. Then, high school was over and Nathan still had no plan for the future. Frustrated with their son, his parents threaten to kick him out if he didn't attend university for a law degree. His father made the decision for him while his mother helped him pack. They pressured Nathan to attend university for a degree that he didn't want but he tried regardless. At the end, however, he failed his classes and the university kicked him out. He returned home and wanted his parent to comfort him for once. Instead, he was given some money and told that he had ruined the family name for the last time. He managed to get a decent job as a waiter for a waiter before he was let go. Then, he left his apartment because he couldn't pay for it anymore. Nathan left behind Michigan and went to Wisconsin in the hopes of finding work until his life was changed forever. He was sleeping nearby Morgan Corp building when he heard an altercation and decided to investigate. That was when he saw Ink for the first time, fighting against the local security. Then, he was seen by some of the security. Under strict orders that no outsiders would ever see their projects, they decided to shoot him. Nathan thought that he was going to die on the spot until the creature entered his body. Suddenly, he ended up in a warehouse face to face with his savior. It explained everything from its origins in a Morgan Corp lab for its purpose as a powerful spy tool. But, it wanted freedom. So, it asked Nathan for his help to maintain it. No matter what. With no other purpose in his life, Nathan accepted the offer and allowed the creature to coexist with him. In return, he had to help him with a few things. It accepted. When he asked for a name, the creature said it never had one but was referred as "Subject INK-0210." In response, Nathan gave him the name of "Ink" because of his ink-like appearance. And that was the beginning of their friendship. They were thieves for a few months before Morgan Corp caught up them. Another few were spent hiding and tracking them to Chicago before damaging their business to make them leave Nathan and Ink alone. It worked. Now, after all the violence and destruction, Nathan wanted a clean start and his only friend couldn't agree more. After much thinking, they decided that Santa Celia was the perfect place to start over.[/color][/INDENT] [/cell][/row][/table][/color][color=gray][sub][b] Personality[/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=black][indent]Being homeless has made Nathan into a cynical person who believes that people are only interested in themselves. He also loathes the wealthy that waste money and usually treats others below them like trash, especially the homeless population. Overall, he doesn't trust people easily and doubts their acts of kindness; but, it doesn't mean that he has no heart. He is grateful to those that actually care about helping out the homeless. Still, the only person that he trusts is his alien friend, Ink. Plus, he is horrible at socializing with other people besides Ink. Other than that, he doesn't have too many interests and hobbies since he is always on the move and surviving on the streets. However, he does have a soft spot for music and the arts. As for the criminal scum, he will easily kill them with no regrets whatsoever depending on the crime. He understands if someone was stealing to survive in a world that the lower class is treated like dirt. But, he will kill those that harm the defenseless for pleasure. He wouldn't care if the rich were targets of the criminal activity. Hell, he would openly support them. Nathan respects the authorities that want to uphold the law and stop the criminals even if he doesn't believe in the courts. But, he becomes disgusted with the corrupted officials and officers that abuse their position.[/indent][/color] [sub][b] Abilities & Skills[/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [INDENT][sub][b]//Abiliites:[/b][/sub] [INDENT][COLOR=BLACK][b][i]Subject INK-0210[/i][/b] | The alien creature that escaped his prison and saved Nathan from certain death on the fateful night. It was capable of fixing his wounds and temporarily took control of the human to get to a safe and hidden place. Afterwards, it decided to reveal itself to the human. It wasn't a surprise that he naturally freaked out due to waking up in front of a "monster." When he asked for a name, it was confused. Unlike humans, it wasn't given a name other than "Subject INK-0210." Nathan decided to give it the name of "Ink" due to its appearance. Before they left the hideout, he asked a question. "Why did you save me?" It tried to think of an answer but couldn't. It felt something within Nathan that he never felt before compared to the other humans that it was forced to bond with. Something beautiful and terrifying at the same time.[/COLOR] [COLOR=BLACK][b][i]Limitation(s)[/i][/b] | As the pair traveled across the country together, it was beginning to understand what he can and cannot do. It can expand his mass to create a face and body parts with ease. But it cannot mimic someone's appearance. It has super strength (capable of flipping over a car) and shock absorbancy. And it has the ability healing injuries in the host at a fast rate depending on the wound. For example, gunshot wounds and cuts tend to heal quickly depending on how serious it is. However, it cannot regrow any missing body parts.[/COLOR] [COLOR=BLACK][b][i]Weaknesses[/i][/b] | It's liquid body makes them vulnerable to water and electricity. Plus, when Nathan isn't merged with Ink, he is a normal human with typical human weaknesses. And none of them know the long term effects on Nathan. It has never been host to a human for a long time and it might affect him in different ways. And his dependence on Ink could be an issue if they were separated for days and weeks. It's similar to how an addict is dependent on drugs to get by.[/COLOR][/INDENT] [sub][b]//Skills:[/b][/sub] [INDENT][COLOR=BLACK][b][i]Basic Survival Knowledge[/i][/b] | Being homeless for the last two years shaped Nathan into the person that he is today. In addition, it taught him on how to survive in the city without a roof over your head and a source of income. He knows the dangerous parts of a city and dealt with a gang or two before leaving it for good. Both Nathan and Ink never stayed in one place for long and kept to the shadows. He also isn't afraid of dumpster diving whenever he has to. And doesn't get bothered by peoples' reactions to seeing him unlike Ink.[/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][COLOR=BLACK][b][i]Stealth[/i][/b] | With help from Ink, Nathan was able to become a master thief and stole for the wealthy. Ink's dark fluid body makes them virtually invisible to the average human. Plus, Nathan's time in the street taught him how to flow with the crowd whenever he's in trouble. Even know he doesn't break into people's homes anymore, he still has the knowledge and idea if someone was robbed.[/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][COLOR=BLACK][b][i]Bilingual[/i][/b] | Nathan knows both English and Spanish thanks to his parents. [/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT] [sub][b] Supporting Cast[/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=black][indent]His entire family will be in the roleplay along with mentions of Morgan Corp.[/INDENT][/COLOR][/color][hr]