[IMG]https://picload.org/image/rpocagri/markerjaelnec.png[/IMG] [h3]Outside the southern gates of Zerul City[/h3] “Others...” Thomas repeated, seemingly taken aback more by Domhnall’s accent than his words, but generally confused nonetheless. “I was looking for the ghiril armor because I figured it’d be the most easily recognizable… and worn by the leader…” “The man riding the beast Domhnall described is the leader now,” Jaelnec remarked a bit more grimly than he had meant to, especially considering that stepping down as leader had been his own decision. “The woman – a daywalker – and him went ahead of us earlier; they should have come through already.” “Is that so?” Thomas shifted his weight from one foot to the other, eyes shifting nervously as he tried to deal with this unexpected development. “But… Oh!” He suddenly clapped his hands loudly with a victorious expression on his face, apparently remembering something. “I do remember a large creature I’ve never seen the likes of before coming through earlier! Was scared that it’d attack the refugees until I realized someone was riding it. The people riding it… I guess they [I]might[/I] fit your description?” He winced, seemingly trying and failing to remember. “My attention was more on the beast than the rider, but there might’ve been a man and a woman on its back. I think the man spoke with some guardsmen on his way through, though I think they’ve been relieved by now.” Jaelnec frowned. “Didn’t William mention Aemoten – the tall foreigner? He knew him, at least.” “Probably,” Thomas shrugged apologetically, “but do you have any idea how many refugees have come through here the last day’s time? ‘Nightwalker in ghiril armor with a black coat and wide-brimmed hat’ is much more distinctive than ‘tall foreigner’… even without the coat I was [I]sure[/I] you were Jaelnec.” His arms dropped down his sides as he let out a sigh. “Besides, you’d think William would’ve mentioned the beast he was riding; [I]way[/I] more distinctive than anything else.” “Etakar – the creature – only found us after William left; he didn’t know about it.” Thomas nodded, smiling. “That makes sense, I guess. Regardless, if you ask about the creature in the city, I’m sure you’ll have no problem tracking down your leader. In the meantime I have information for you! William had some people interview the person of interest you’re here for, and something really came up! Turns out he really claimed to have contracted the Withering and been cured!”