[@Double] This seems more like an attempt to wrap up this fight as quickly as possible so we can move on and hopefully do things better next time. As for Sully stealing the kill, well, my only issue with that is that Sam's death seems forced; as in its really obvious the character is supposed to die and that was the only way to do it. To answer your question... no, I'm not really having fun with this. The fact that every Raditz post involved him throwing one punch or kick and sending people flying is not great; there needs to be an allowance for us to take control of the NPC's during our posts so that every fight doesn't end up as 'attack villain, villain says ow, launches us away'. Add that to the list of ideas for making the next fight better. So far I don't think we've had a single exchange of blows, just people trading big hits, mostly because that would require controlling another character or a collaboration post. That said I'm willing to stick around and see what the next fight looks like, hopefully it'll address some of the issues we've been raising.