[hider=Azrael] [center][b][h1][color=0072bc]Appearance[/color][/h1][/b][/center] [hider=True Form][center][img]https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/max_1200/36b50112012265.5625601b729cc.jpg[/img][I]"Only two things are inevitable in this world, verily three. Death, taxes, and me."[/I][/center][/hider] [right][hider=Human Form][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9e/6c/96/9e6c964a62c29a2e39e40f8248050ae6.jpg[/img] [i]"Trying to find value in humanity is like trying to find worth in the maggots that swarm over a pile of shit. To put it simply, you can't."[/I][/center][/hider][/right] [b][color=0072bc]• Title:[/color][/b] Malak (Shortening of his actual Arabic name Malak al-Mawt). [b][color=0072bc]• True Name:[/color][/b] Azrael. [b][color=0072bc]• Age:[/color][/b] Ancient. Although his actual time of creation is not known, it can be estimated to be sometime after the first couple of humans had started procreating and expanding across the face of the planet, as there were many other Seraphim of death and life in existence before he came along. [b][color=0072bc]• Species:[/color][/b] Fallen Angel/[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seraph]Seraphim.[/url] [b][color=0072bc]• Weapons:[/color][/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/71/23/9d/71239d279918112705af92d5be6b87ca.jpg]Dumah[/url], the physical manifestation of Azrael's own soul-a technique commonly known as Quintessence Manifestation amongst angelic beings-which appears a flaming sword thanks to his intense hatred of humanities flawed nature that has the attributes of being both highly durable and extremely sharp. Two traits that have been greatly exaggerated by man in legend and myth to the point where many believe such objects are downright unbreakable or are capable of cutting through anything despite this not actually being the case. In reality Quintessence can be broken or even destroyed as each will gradually lose energy with use, tiring the being behind it, before finally dissipating. While this wouldn't be much of an issue for a non-fallen member of the heavenly host, as they can simply return to that eternal plane to regain their lost energies, it poses a much bigger issue for an exiled being like Azrael. Since he no longer has access to his plane of origin, he must rely on his own energy. A risky proposition, for while it does replenish over time, it does so very slowly. Where a proper angel could replenish it in a matter of seconds with a quick trip, Azrael must wait minutes or even hours to regain his. This handicap has forced him to look for the most efficient and straightforward means of ending a battle, as an extended conflict would see him killed. [b][color=0072bc]• Species Traits:[/color][/b] Although he may only be at peak human levels when it comes to his human form, in his true form he is far more deadly. Despite his fallen nature he still retains a small portion of the might he used to have. While this is naught more than being borderline superhuman in some aspects such as speed and strength, it is still more than enough to absolutely obliterate your average human. Furthermore, while in his true form Azrael gains access to all of his limbs and can easily grab multiple opponents. A dangerous advantage as it lets him use his life extinguishing powers on more than one person at a time provided there is proper skin to skin contact. Additionally, no matter which form he is in, Azrael does not appear to age physically, nor does he seem to need food or drink in order to survive. He can still be injured however, and when cut will secrete a viscous black liquid that smells faintly of tar. [b][color=0072bc]• Special Abilities:[/color][/b] [b]Quintessence Manifestation[/b] - As mentioned above, Azrael can summon a part of his own soul and convert it into a physical weapon for use in combat, in this case a flaming sword representative of his burning hate towards humanity. [sub][I]Do note that Quintessence's can ONLY be manifested as weapons and nothing else.[/I][/sub] [b]Death's Embrace[/b] - Being one of the many Seraphim in charge of overseeing man's appointed time to die, Azrael had the ability to kill any human he wished with nothing more than a glance, but his exile and imprisonment within the abyss weakened this power significantly. Now it requires skin on skin contact in order to work, and even then he must use some of his own lifeforce in order to snuff out that of the person he is touching. This means he must rest just as he does after using his Quintessence lest he end up at deaths door himself. [sub][I]This does not work on other supernatural beings or monsters obviously.[/I][/sub] [b][color=0072bc]• Inventory:[/color][/b] Nothing aside from the clothes on his back. Or whatever clothes happen to be on his back when he's not in his true form that is. [b][color=0072bc]• Background:[/color][/b] Spawned some time after the first humans began to spread across the planet, Azrael was one of the many inhabitants of heaven to be created rather than formed from nothingness and random chance as the seventeen Archangels, and even the realm itself, had been. Made according to a series of exacting specifications written by the even older Cherubim, creatures in charge of the celestial machines from which all-well most anyway-new generations of angelic creatures spawn, he took to his role of death dealer with an air of solemn dedication. Spending the next thousand years or more extinguishing the lives of humans whose ends were called for by the Archangels and writing down their names in his book, Azrael was able to witness the depths of mankind's depravity and wickedness first-hand, eventually becoming so sickened by it that he began to see humans as nothing more than crazed beasts who needed to be put down for the sake of all creation. And so he set to work doing what he did best... Reaping souls. He went forth and began collecting souls en masse. Living and dying. Old and young. Small or large, all humans were cut down and a massive sea of corpses followed in his wake. Seeing their brothers maddened state and the horrific actions he had committed, the other angels went forth and hunted the seraphim of death down, pinning him to the earth with spears of light before binding him in chains and dragging him back to heaven to stand trial. Upon meeting the council in the sides of the north, Azrael remained defiant, citing humanities various crimes and depravities as justifications for the crimes he himself had committed. Not buying any of it, the Archangels ordered him to be stripped of his connection to the divine engines and cast out of the realm. Thus their will was done. Azrael was stripped of his heavenly power and cast down into the abyss where he now lies in wait for the day the guardians of this place become lax, so that he may escape and lay waste to the world above, before exacting his vengeance against the ones who wronged him. [b][color=0072bc]• Other:[/color][/b] I imagine Heaven in this CS as being very techno-magical/techno-divine what with the celestial engines and all. The Seraphim are not only restricted to life and death and many of them oversee a great deal of the laws that govern the material plane in addition to other things regular angels do not have the power to control. As for Seraphim of life, they are the ones responsible for, well, life or in more simpler terms, ensuring that human beings and other creatures actually make it out of the womb to begin with. I have, thus far, four primary ranks for angelic beings in mind. [b]Archangels[/b] - The first and most powerful group of angels, they claim to have sprung forth from the unformed void itself. They also claim to be the ones responsible for the creation of the ordered universe, though this statement is debatable at best as there are many things in existence that shouldn't be if what they're saying is true. [b]Seraphim[/b] - Second most powerful rank of being in the heavenly realm, these creatures are the ones who oversee the various workings of existence lesser angels are unable to. Azrael is a part of this group. [b]Cherubim[/b] - Third most powerful rank of being in the heavenly realm, the Cherubim can best be described as divine engineers. Existing long before many of the Seraphim even, these are the creatures who are in charge of the celestial engines that are currently responsible for the creation of all new angelic beings, in addition to being the ones in charge of engineering projects within the realm in general. [b]Angels[/b] - Fourth most powerful rank of being in the heavenly realm, angels are the lowest ranking and least powerful entities among the host. They often serve as agents or messengers who act on behalf of those higher than them, going to and fro upon the world and within heaven. As an aside it should be noted that they are still far more powerful than an ordinary human, but when it comes to other supernatural entities they are most often the underdogs. If you're wondering where a Horseman of The Apocalypse would fit in, then I myself would say somewhere in between Archangel and Seraphim, but that's just my personal ranking. What Azrael's Quintessence looked like before his fall is not known, although it was most likely a blade of light or something similar. [center][hider=Battle Theme (True Form)][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LffSZfRSwTI[/youtube][/hider][/center] [center][hider=Combat Theme (Human Form)][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn52NbqD2YU[/youtube][/hider][/center] [/hider]