[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=F48CA7]Josephine Clark[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/c224f7b0f20cc6f4e3f50ca5c82b572e/tumblr_oazl0uJv271todga9o2_500.gif[/img][hr][b][color=F48CA7]Location:[/color][/b] Second Deck Dining Area -> Outer Hallway [b][color=F48CA7]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][/center] Jo finished her dessert as Reddish spouted off about the properties of rice amongst other cultures. It was interesting how rice here was used in a dessert rather than served as a side dish, but Jo wasn't [i]that[/i] into cuisine. Still, she let the man talk, despite her gaze going elsewhere. She received Vera's room number and kept it to memory. The fact that Vera was looking out for her was warming. [color=F48CA7]"Your concern is noted, but I am not afraid. I am not without my own defenses." Once she was satisfied all around, she stood up. [color=F48CA7]"A lovely dinner to be sure. Hope everyone has a pleasant evening. Well, darling, shall we?"[/color] she asked Reddish, holding out her arm for him to take, though she would be the one to lead them towards the outside. As she made her way to the outer hallway, she kept pace with Reddish. [color=F48CA7]"Did you wish to go to the upper deck or remain on here? I have a ticket for the Elite deck and if you are with me they will permit you."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=F7E2E8]Faye Masterson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/920294682284009688/2C3E86F3AEFCAC130B3FCF8AC67BC1264F2A7298/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside%7C1024%3A641&composite-to=*,*%7C1024%3A641&background-color=black[/img][hr][b][color=F7E2E8]Location:[/color][/b]Lower Deck Dining Area [b][color=F7E2E8]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][/center] Richard's concern was noted, but it wasn't anything she hadn't heard before. From the police themselves, actually. [color=F7E2E8]"Thank you, but it is that reaction that makes me not want to disclose what happened. The skepticism. The concern. I get looks from those that knew her and me and I can't help but think they are wondering when I am going to snap." "You all didn't know my sister. I did. We were close. She wouldn't do something like that. She wouldn't fall into the wrong crowd and, if she did, she would do whatever she can to get out. That's what I think happened. She wanted out and things went south."[/color] Faye ate as she talked, finishing her meal. She picked up her plate and glass and brought them over to the table against the wall. She came back to meet with Richard, assuming they would be going together again. [color=F7E2E8]"Don't you find that odd? A wild goose chase, as you said. Barely any clues. It doesn't add up to me. So where to now?"[/color] She added, hoping to change subjects.