[center][h1][color=7bcdc8]Raven Carter[/color][/h1] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/DisastrousSingleBunting-small.gif[/img] Location: The beach party. Interacting With: Molly.[@Cio][/center][hr] Raven lips were pulled in a slight smirk as she kept her eyes focused on the adorable, awkward girl. She held her bottle out towards Molly for a ‘cheers’, taking a swig after the bottles clinked together. [color=#adff9f]"Yes! Please, M sure it would do me a world of good,"[/color] [color=7bcdc8]“Awesome, consider me your party Jedi, from now on.”[/color] She replied with a soft snicker. Her smirk widened as she saw how Molly’s cheeks started to darken with deep blush. It took everything in her to keep back a giggle as she realised the effect she was having on the shyer girl. [color=#adff9f]"Thanks luv,"[/color] Molly had said before she stopped speaking for a moment and bit down on her lip, which caused Raven’s heart to skip a beat. Damn, this girl is gorgeous… She focused fairly hard to keep it from showing on her face, but on the inside she was ‘squeeing’ over the cuteness of the other blond. [color=#adff9f]"Definitely same. That's what I thought about you!"[/color] The compliment warmed Raven’s cheeks with an ever so slight blush, and she smiled sweetly. [color=7bcdc8]“Thanks… Not gonna lie, surprised you even noticed me.”[/color] Raven took another long pull from her bottle of cider, before looking back at Molly with a smirk. She felt the pulsing music around her drawing her towards the dancefloor, and was about to open her mouth before being beaten to it. [color=#adff9f]"Care to dance?"[/color] Molly asked with a flirtatious smile, which certainly caught Raven by surprise, although it was a happy surprise. She snickered softly, and nodded enthusiastically as she stretched her free hand out and took Molly’s. She took a few steps backward towards the dancefloor, yanking Molly gently back with her, pulling her closely into a dancing position. [color=7bcdc8]“I thought you’d never ask.”[/color] She replied with a playful giggle, before letting go of her hand and spinning backwards a few times. As she came to a stop where most people were dancing, Raven took a sip of her drink, before winking at Molly, and giving her a beckoning motion, waiting for her to approach before continuing to dance.