[h2]Camilla "Cam" Moris[/h2] [hr][color=lightblue]Location: Cave simulation[/color] [color=lightgreen]State of mind: Wait... a talking cat?![/color] [color=pink]Days sober: Almost one, although it may go back to zero after this[/color][hr] I stood close to Lan, not wanting to stray too far away from the only person that was even somewhat familiar to me. The truth was I knew none of these people. I was in a cave... hallucination, for lack of a better word, stranded with a bunch of strange people. One of which happened to be a rather rude, kind of beggar looking dude. What really caught my attention, though, was the conversation happening a few feet from me. "Hate to break it to you pal, but I don't shapeshift, I possess," a sassy voice spoke. Where did it come from? Wait... My eyes dropped to the same black cat that had been sitting in the meeting room. My eyes widened in surprise as it dawned on me: this fucking cat could talk. Either I was going mad, or I was still hungover, but I could clearly see the cat speak. [i]'Well, now I've officially seen everything'[/i], I decided. It made sense, though. Before, when I had closed my eyes, I had seen a human being instead of a cat. So somehow, this must've been a human. Possessing a cat, as they had so clearly stated. Well, he. It sounded like a man's voice. A very bossy man, as it seemed from the way he spoke. Seemed like a bit of an asshat, I wasn't going to lie. Even though I loved cats, I couldn't say the same for this specimen. I shook my head. Great, an egotistical man possessing a cat. That's something I didn't expect to see when I woke up this morning. [color=#92278f]"Thalia, right?"[/color] I confirmed as I approached the woman the cat had been talking to. This woman was the second person I was comfortable talking to, given that she had actually introduced herself earlier in the meeting and taken time to brief me in with Lan. [color=#92278f]"I can [i]try[/i] to locate the source of that noise. Dunno what it would help, but at least that way we could keep a safe distance to it,"[/color] I offered with a nod. [color=#92278f]"Should be easy as long as I concentrate. I'd love this cave shit to end so we must take action, yeah?"[/color] I was half lying, it wouldn't be easy. For me, specifically. I had hard enough a time controlling my ability normally, yet alone in a cave full of people who were unfortunately very loud thinkers, with very loud emotions. But I was a killer in hide-and-seek whenever I could get into the right state of mind, so why would it be different with this weird growly creature that was nearing us? A growl echoed in the cave, closer this time. We were running out of time.