"Sooooo," Olivia drawled as she looked over at Penelope. "what are you going to do about lover boy there?" Gavin had just left to retire to his tent, leaving the two female knights alone. Penelope looked over at Olivia and raised an eyebrow at her with a mild look of confusion. "What are you talking about? We're just friends now, you know that." she responded, shaking her head. Olivia laughed a little. "Does he know that?" "Of course. I ended things as soon as I made my decision." Penelope paused for a moment, her gaze becoming a bit troubled as she recalled ending the relationship with Gavin. Though she was rather certain that he knew she was still with Crow, part of her did worry that he was waiting for her to come back around to him. She had told him not to but perhaps that hadn't been enough to deter the male knight. She shifted uncomfortably at the thought that he was still hoping she would change her mind. "At least.. I think so.." she added with less confidence now. "Well you might want to double check that." Olivia smirked as she leaned back on the palms of her hands. "At this rate, he might think you're changing your mind.. I don't like the guy but leading him on like that seems a little harsh." "I'm not." Penelope rolled her eyes. "I just.. I don't want to make things awkward by bringing it up if he does understand we're just friends, you know? Aside from your opinions, I do like hanging out with him." "You're in quite the pickle then." Olivia mused. She thought about it for a moment then smirked. "There might be one solution to your problem that might work though." "What is it?" "Well the best way to make him understand without telling him directly is by talking to him about Crow." Olivia told her with a confident smirk. "It's a great way to get the message across without having to bring it up to him directly. You can thank me later." "Well.. I guess I could try that.." Penelope said reluctantly. She didn't quite like the idea of talking about Crow to Gavin, mainly because she wasn't even sure what she could tell him. There was very little she could share with him, both because she needed to keep Crow's secrets as well as a few of her own, but the knight guessed she could start by telling him when she was going to meet the thief again. She didn't want his involvement like he had offered before but perhaps telling him would be enough to make the male knight understand her commitment to the thief and her decision. "You seem to know a little too much about stuff like this for someone who says they're not interested in committed relationships." Penelope shook her head. "Even short term ones have their flaws." Olivia shrugged. Penelope gave a small nod and eyed her friend for a moment. "I've been meaning to ask you but what's with the necklace?" she asked with a small gesture to the thin chain around Olivia's neck. It was barely visible since most of the necklace tucked beneath the collar of the shirt she wore but some of it still remained visible and it hadn't escaped Penelope's gaze. Olivia didn't often wear jewelry, much like Penelope, and what surprised her even more was that Olivia had been wearing it for a couple days in a row now. "Oh this?" Olivia blinked and pulled up the necklace into view. At the end of it, a rusty looking pendant was at the end of it. All in all, it didn't look like anything expensive or valuable. "Alistair came across it before our last... 'meeting'. I guess it didn't have much value so he let me have it." She shrugged nonchalantly. Penelope raised an eyebrow curiously at Olivia. "Oh really?" she smirked. "Yeah.." Olivia looked down at the pendant for a moment longer before looking at Penelope. She gave a snort. "Stop looking at me like that." "I thought you said you weren't getting attached." Olivia flushed. "I'm not. I just thought it'd be rude to refuse it and besides there's not much jewelry to be found out here in all places." "Uh huh. So why have you been wearing it so much? This isn't the first day I've seen it on you." Penelope snickered. "Ok maybe I like him a little bit but I'm not like you and your lovestruck ass ok?" Olivia huffed before quickly recovering and flashing her a smirk. "I've had a fun time with him is all and figured I might as well have a souvenir to remember it by." "I guess." Penelope said as she eyed Olivia. As Olivia held her gaze, it was difficult to tell if her words were true. Olivia was a difficult person to read when it came to her emotions so perhaps she was just being a little sentimental because she knew she'd eventually move on from Alistair like she had done with other men. However, Penelope still had a small feeling that wasn't the case. She decided not to push it, still too uncertain how deep her friend's attachment to the thief went. "Just don't go getting too soft on me." she teased her as she stood up to go head off to her tent. "Me? Never." Olivia laughed. "Good." Penelope smirked. "I'll see you tomorrow Olivia." She waved goodbye to her friend and then walked off to her tent, ready to lay down for the night ---- The next day went by quick and without much problem. The barons held their usual meeting and more firm discussions of the next battle were held between the knights. It became clear that the next strike would likely be in the southern part of the outer villages as Layth had suspected. Plans were being mapped out on how to go about the attack and the details were hashed out between the barons and their lieutenants. All that was left was to ready the knights and set a date, however that would come in the next meeting. Penelope also attempted to follow Olivia's advice with handling Gavin. That evening she had attempted to speak about how she was looking forward to seeing Crow the following day. It hadn't been a comfortable conversation but at the very least, Gavin didn't seem too troubled or hurt by it. It made her wonder if she had misjudged him and that he did truly understand that they were just friends. She decided to wait a while before mentioning anything about Crow again after that. The day finally came when she'd meet up with Crow again and the knight felt a rush of excitement. Their last meeting had been far too short due to Jane alerting the guards so Penelope hoped they'd have a bit more time this time around. Even though Hazel had been rather strict with the conditions, the knight was certain they would be able to make the most of the time they were allotted. She stretched a bit as she walked through the camp, heading over to join Tomas for another lesson. Her gaze occasionally flickered up to the sky, hoping the day would go by fast enough.