[center][img=http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/black%20hair/SHINKAI_by_narutilla19_zps2026f637.png] PETRIOS JACINTO 17 years old manager of Glamour Petrios is a young artist at AOA and also the manager of Glamour. He is in his third year of highschool and has been friends with Trixxtal from a young age, which is how he became the manager of Glamour. When Trixxtal came to him with his idea to form a band, Petrios supported him and promised to back him up. Admittedly, he never thought that Trixxtal would [i]actually[/i] do it, since there were many things he wanted to do but never went through with, but when Glamour formed, Petrios stayed true to his word and became their manager. His family is filthy rich so he handles all of Glamour's finances, from their wardrobe to their meals during practices. It is rumored that Petrios' father is connected to the mafia, but he neither confirms or denies those claims. He isn't just friends with Trixxtal, but also with the other members of Glamour. He doesn't mind their promiscuous ways, just as long as it doesn't interfere with their performances. He doesn't participate with their infidelity and is actually in a long lasting committed relationship and would never dream about cheating on his significant other. Trixxtal gave him the nickname Peppa when they were kids but he hates being called that and thinks it is too childish. Petrios is actually pretty short for his age, only a few inches taller than Belisario, so he does everything he can to make himself seem older, which means not being called cutesy nicknames.[/center]