[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0EjtAmP.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmJhYmFiYS5TWFpoSjB0eWFHOW8uMAAAAAAA/lovecrafts-diary.regular.png[/img] [color=silver]~~The Illuminator~~[/color][/center] [i]Location: Cy'Lathak[/i] [hr] [color=silver]"Oh don't worry you're pretty little bosom over it, Dirka."[/color] Iva cackled. [color=silver]"Sleep...sleep. She will sleep and be made for the Library. For Us."[/color] He picked up Lazhria's unconscious form. This might have been an astral plane. A plane between realms where thoughts and minds were given shape and form - and this was Lazhria's soul, mind. Spirit. Whatever you wanted to call it. It was exactly what he needed. Tearing open a rift back to his library, he quickly began to work. [hr] Dim light illuminated the lower levels of the Experiment halls. How deep was he? He didn't care. He was going deep, far, beneath the bowels of his own realm. Where things became lost. Where the mind would tremble, where unconscious thoughts began being formed. He moved swiftly, long, lithe legs carrying him through the tall hallways. He was short on time. Even now, Lazhria's mind was reforming. Becoming solid. Rigid. It was a dangerous process indeed. He had only a small window to work with. Breaking it a second time would have potentially unseen side effects. While he'd explore those later, for now he needed this to be [i]perfect[/i]. Stepping into a large darkened antechamber, Iva placed her naked body upon an altar. He had prepare this room, just for this purpose ages ago. How long? He couldn't remember. All experiments involving it had been a failure, but he was certain. Very certain this time, it would work. He had changed just one thing in the equation. Just a small, minute change. Something he didn't quite understand before. Humans were funny, like that. If they had nothing to cling too, then their mind was weak and useless. Dirka was right, about that at least. So he just had to have a human that was entirely dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge - and him. Lazhria didn't know it, but it wasn't Bryyre who had raised her the most over the years. She just forgot because he wanted her too, and now everything was falling into place. [color=silver]"So beautiful..."[/color] He chuckled, reaching for a small needle like creation. [color=silver]"Almost a shame to cut it, but I'll make you far more beautiful..."[/color] It was made of wood and stone, hooked up to a hollow rope like structure made of animal hide. A primitive creation designed to introduce fluids into a body. Painful, but effective for now. The god jammed it into Lazhria's arm, turning the lever on a skin full of a silvery white fluid. Next he reached for a smaller cutting implement. Jagged around the edges. Like a saw. He had fashioned it just for brain removal. Cutting open the skull, removing the brain. First he had to cut out the mind. Careful. The body was still useful. [i]Squelch[/i] [i]crrrck[/i] The flesh ripped, skull cracking as he cut it open. Ah, he almost wanted to see if he could turn her body into a fountain. Heh. Amusing thought. He'd find another human later. No no. He couldn't do it. They were busy. So busy. Short on time. More macabre noises were made as he set about his work. The fluid would preserve the body, and prepare it for the ensuing mutations. The process took only minutes, and soon it was completed. The brain was prepped. Now onto the other physical. Cut out everything. Make a void. Make it vast and empty, ready to be filled. Make her a living gate. A key. The soon to be only being with access to the library from the outside. The entire process took nearly an hour. Iva worked tirelessly, without interruption. [hr] She was floating, suspended in a sea of darkness. Pain, throbbing in her head. She couldn't feel anything else. Just an odd, endless baleful light diffusing the area. Yet, she had her eyes closed. Weren't they? Or were they open? Both. Possibly. It was difficult to think. Like her head was stuffed full of animal fur. What was happening? She didn't know. The pain slowly, began to subside and with it a calm clarity began forming. And then the sensation of falling - or rather, being pulled down. Her breath caught, the light growing more and more intense until it physically hurt. She sat up, a sharp scream leaving her mouth as she was abruptly awoken from whatever dream she had been having. Instinctively, she tried to move, only to fall off the altar and slam into the floor, her body refusing to move. [color=silver]"Hee! Oh glorious! Wonderful! You're awake. About time. I almost considered you another failure. Onto the pile of bodies you would have went."[/color] Iva's voice rang clear and loudly as Lazhria tiredly attempted to sit up. [color=silver]"Oh, no, that would be a waste. Your mind still would have been good. Perhaps a warden of some sort...no matter, you're awake. How do you feel?"[/color] "...can't move...very well." [color=silver]"Ah, don't worry. You're still acclimating. The process has left your mind and body a bit...disconnected. Severed! Like a head when you cut it with a blade!"[/color] He laughed, moving closer. [color=silver]"Aside from that, how do you feel? Clear? Empowered? Smarter? Cleverer?"[/color] "Urgh," Finally managing to push herself to a sitting position, Lazhria looked down at her body. The initial grogginess seemed to be wearing off fast, and the more it did the better she felt. Not just physically or mentally. No, this felt like...as though she was even better than before. "What...happened?" [color=silver]"A gate! I made you into a gate. And a key. A living gate to the library. You are able to speak, access, and gain anything the library has within or outside of its walls. So long as it exists in this realm, you can acquire it or have knowledge of it. Oh, you may wish to put these on."[/color] He handed her a set of cloth robes. Odd, she had never seen the like before, but she didn't pay much mind. [color=silver]"Come come...we have much to discuss about our next move, La-Zha. We have a party to plan...and I think it's about time we return to White Dawn."[/color] Most humans would probably have been absolutely maddened by this. Whatever Iva did to her, she could only feel grateful. She felt amazing. "...heh," Oddly, she licked her lips, feeling the impossibly sharp teeth that she now possessed. "Now that sounds like a fun idea!" She laughed, and followed after Iva.