[center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/FlimsyOilyKatydid-small.gif[/img][/center] [@McHaggis][@Kirah][@Damo021][@Morose][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][@Dragoknighte][@rivaan] Just want to thank all of you who are in the Wolves of Red Lake RP, it was my baby for such a very long time, made some major changes to the RP over the last few years before this version finally completed. I just want to thank you all that you who have stuck with me, it is my first ever RP I've completed so I want to thank you all for that. Also for sticking with me for it, you all are such awesome writers, and happy to be friends with all of you. And cant wait to continue to RP with the rest of you guys in both current, and future RPs whatever they maybe. :) [@Morose] [@BlueSky44] And a personal thank you and shoutout for allowing me to GM an RP in the Skyrose universe that you've made and all of the awesome work you've done for it as well. :)