[@HereComesTheSnow][@GreenGoat] [h3]MgRonald's, District 7[/h3] "These MgChickens are legal!" protested the mullet-wearing individual, at the same time as Isami's "Is this dweeby otaku girl calling [i][b]me[/b][/i] a weirdo?" "Nah nah nah," interrupted 'Chief', raising his hands in a conciliatory manner (the bag. "Calm down folks, let's not let nobody be too impet-imp-impetu-[sub][i]sonuva[/i][/sub]-impetuous." There was an uneasy grin on his face as he tried to placate the two good-doers before him. He was definitely aware that Hisui had managed to score the bazooka right off him with that dangerous spin. One could immediately tell from the beads of sweat that were beginning to form on his skin. Or maybe that was just 'cos of the strange rise in temperature. Back at the counter, the hat-wearing cashier was struggling to reach the aircon. "We just be havin' lunch, ya see? There's none need for anything crazy." The one with the mullet lightly shook the paper bags. Isami on the other hand, was surreptitiously looking around the room. And the sirens continued to grow closer. [hr][@ERode] [h3]Orbit Portal Company Investor Booth - Dianoid, District 15[/h3] "Iguchi-san will be making the announcement for both of us. In the original Kanamin voice too, I hear!" "One of our higher-ups will be involved, but we here at the investor booth are not very in-the-know," said Megumi with a sigh, her faux-hawk flopping sadly. "I saw him around today though, if you want to find him and get an interview." She gave the middle schooler a thumbs-up. One had to foster the sense of investigation in the youth