Richard took the scarf from Fonsus quietly, and wrapped it around his neck and mouth, stuffing the excess down the front of his jacket. Richard shook his head at River. "That's too obvious, I think. If he [i]is[/i] the one who done it, that'd be a dead give away that we're on to him. And I don't think we need a vampire to know we also suspect him of being a murderer. I think memories are safe to ask about, as long as we ask as a part of a larger question. Like Addie says, we can ask about less tangible effects of hexes, magic that's hard to trace. And on that subject, we can also bring up hiding a body, though that'll be a tricky segue." River pointed out as they approached. A recovery home for part-humans was surprisingly easy to hide from muggle eyes. It was made out to be a group home for those unfit to live by themselves. Exactly what that meant wasn't clear from the exterior, but it was a safe enough bet that nobody would go to such a place unless they were visiting a specific person. It was a cheery blue painted building, with a lot of windows facing the front. Curiously, very few of these choice rooms seemed to have tenants. As they walked in, they were greeted with a long front desk, behind which was a mural of magical creatures. A muggle might think it was a fun fantasy setting, but it had several telltale signs that it was painted by someone who actually knew a thing or two about the magical world. Richard was smiling at a little niffler in the bottom left corner, and he saw it wink briefly at him before turning back to stalking a leprechaun's gold. There was a young blonde witch behind the counter, and she looked altogether startled to have any visitors. "G-good morning," she said, standing up suddenly. "Welcome to Enchanted Acres Group Home. We, uh, we don't typically take volunteers. Sorry."