[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@Duthguy][@Searat][@King Cosmos][@Silverpaw][@Gardevoiran][@Old Amsterdam] [quote=Dungeon:Jason] [color=purple]WARNING! THE DUNGEON STRUCTURE IS BEING DAMAGED BY AN EXTERNAL ACTION! WARNING! THE DUNGEON STRUCTURE IS BEING DAMAGED BY AN EXTERNAL ACTION! SKELEBLIN_001 WAS KILLED BY UNIDENTIFIED_SPRITE! WARNING! THE DUNGEON STRUCTURE IS BEING DAMAGED BY AN EXTERNAL ACTION! DUNGEON UPDATES COMPLETED. YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF DUNGEON ACTIVITIES. YOU GAIN 1 SKILL POINT IN THE UNIQUE SKILL: DUNGEON AWARENESS. CURRENT SKILL PROGRESS: 0.2 DUNGEON ASSIMILATION IS AT 3.2%! ASSIMILATION RATE HAS INCREASED! SKELEBLIN_003 HAS SPAWNED AT V-26! DUNGEON MENU ACTIONS ARE NOT YET AVAILABLE. YOU MUST GAIN THE SKILL DUNGEON AWARENESS AND INCREASE THE DUNGEON LEVEL TO GAIN ACCESS TO DUNGEON MENU ACTIONS.[/color] [/quote] What Jason had learned from the core was interesting to say the least, but right now fixing this so-called 'Mana Burn' took priority. Perhaps there was more than just a dungeon menu, was there a status and skill progression screen as well? Probably. [color=darkred]"Display status.... Open Skill progression...."[/color] he mumbled as he rolled out of his cave and approached the others once more, Jason reached out with [b][Telepathy II][/b], [color=darkred][i]'Alright everyone, I've just learned some pretty interesting information.... From the looks of it, the core has been spawning the Skeleblins in response to what it perceives as an attack. Now what it's most likely referring to is Digbie's tunneling endeavor-- and thus is probably targeting him. So far, three Skeleblins have been spawned and one has been killed by Oberon. While you guys are on your way out I'm going to see what I can do to make the dungeon stop targeting you... One more thing- would any of you happen to know how to fix something called [u]Mana Burn[/u]?'[/i][/color] As he waited for a response, Jason scanned the newly evolved Rain and Oberon with [b][Magic Analysis I][/b] and [b][Monster Analysis I][/b]