Kai heard Ratte's voice telling him that they should leave, and looking around, there were a couple of good reasons for that. The people in the tavern who had noticed the fire, the Captain and his companion included, had already begun to evacuate the place. It seemed like there was no preventing the establishment from getting destroyed. Ratte also had a point about getting out of there before more military personnel arrived at the scene. He dashed off, assuming that both she and Isago were not far behind him. The the crackling of the fire commotion of the crowd escaping the tavern grew faint as he continued to run further away from the ignited building. It was only a matter of time before it blew up. Never mind the spare gunpowder that he and the rest of the group kept down in the basement, the place was a drinking establishment. Once he was far enough, the boy ran behind a wall, covered his ears, and waited for the explosion. He did not have to wait long, and when it was over, he peered around the corner, hoping to spot his teammates through the smoke. [@KatherinWinter] [@FalkiThomas] [@xXSINXx] [@King Tai]