Penelope looked over at him as she waited for him to explain. A brief look of confusion passed over her expression as he assured her that nothing had happened. That is, until he went on to tell her about Rikki. It wasn't the news that she had been expecting, which she was partly glad for, however that didn't make her anymore eager to hear that Rikki had tried to seduce him. The part that made the knight uncomfortable was how he had admitted that it nearly worked. She shifted her gaze away as she felt him let go of her hands. So it seemed Rikki didn't let go of finding out about them as easily as Penelope had hoped the thief would. She lifted her gaze back over to Crow and frowned a little as she noticed how guilty and hurt he was over what had occurred. The bit of uncomfortableness that she had felt died down as she realized how hard he was taking the situation. Rikki had been someone he had trusted quite a bit from what Penelope could tell so she didn't doubt that her actions had hurt him. "I'm sorry Rikki betrayed your trust like that." she told him sincerely. "Being a thief doesn't mean you should have expected it from her. After all, I don't think her intent was completely to hurt you..." Penelope paused awkwardly in her words, shifting her gaze off to the side as she thought about Rikki's feelings for him. Though she wasn't aware of the whole situation, the knight guessed that Rikki's feelings also played a large part in why she had tried to seduce him. Gavin came to mind as the knight was reminded of his words to her about waiting for her. Though she was rather certain he had moved on, she figured Rikki had similar feelings with Crow, even though she had gone a different direction in her approach. It made the knight suddenly grateful for Gavin's unwavering loyalty as her friend. "As much as I don't like it, I wouldn't be surprised if she was hoping that you'd change your mind after and go back to her.." She shook her head then moved to wrap her arms around him in a comforting embrace. "And you won't lose me. Nothing happened and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." she promised him softly. She pressed a tender kiss to his lips before pulling back to meet his gaze with a small, reassuring smile. "I love you, Collin, and I still trust you."