[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180904/fd70af44326a3ad3a1c587b9319fa851.png[/img] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/UniformExaltedDrongo-size_restricted.gif[/img][/center] Tequila shots and bad boys oh my... For Sable, the party had been great so far. She made her way through the crowds of people as she danced, smiled, and laughed. The young woman caught herself glancing over in Finns direction a few times, and momentarily panicking before her eyes could find him. He seemed to be doing alright.... Catching a peek of Raven and Molly, Sunshine smiled. The two of them seemed to be getting along fine. Her favorite thing about parties was the feeling. Losing yourself in the music, getting high off the atmosphere. The fact that the location was by the ocean under the stars added to her feeling completely free. After about an hour or so, the alcohol starting to really kick in, Sunshine walked around searching for a place to sit. Coming upon a familiar face, she sat down next to Finn, resting her head on his shoulder to keep everything from spinning. She was just a bit more than tipsy. [Color=7ea7d8]"How's the party life treating you so far, Finny."[/color]