Crow’s heartbeat quickened as Penelope allowed him to remove her clothing. Once the fastening was undone and the dress fell to her feet, his eyes wandered desirously over her body. After waiting for so long to be with her again, he found her even more attractive. He slid his hands over her slender form, sighing softly as her lips moved over his skin. Her touch made him shiver, and he closed his eyes as he felt her nip at his ear. He was glad he had stayed strong when Rikki had tried to tempt him. Being with the thief was nothing like being with her. Even if there had been some way for him to sleep with Rikki without ruining his relationship with the knight, it wouldn’t have been worth it. He only wanted to be with Penelope. He felt her reach for the hem of his shirt and shifted away from her, lifting his arms so she could pull the clothing over his head. As her fingers trailed up his sides, he shuddered and grinned at her, “Gods, you’re so attractive.” Tossing his tunic aside, he pressed into her lips again with fervor and ran his hands down the length of her back. After a bit, he pulled back just enough to remove his own pants before moving in again to kiss her a little lower along her collarbone and trace his fingers over her bare hips. He enjoyed the feeling of being so close to her, without even clothing to separate them. Every time they were together, he felt like the bond between them grew a little bit stronger, as did his love for the knight. His heart fluttered with a mixture of desire and fondness for her. He loved being intimate with her and was excited by the fact that that soon they would be more intimate still. Pushing her back gently against the tree—he was careful not to move her roughly against the bark—he pressed one hand on her waist and slid his other hand behind her leg, pulling it up to rest against his side. He met her gaze briefly before leaning in to meet her lips once more, kissing her passionately as their bodies moved against each other as one… -- Crow rested his forearm against the tree above Penelope’s head, panting softly as he touched his lips to her forehead in a soft kiss. Meeting her green eyes, he laughed a bit disjointedly and shook his head, “That was so worth the wait.”